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Your experiences with your FWB's parents?


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My boyfriend was originally my FWB for almost three years before we offical declared we were dating.


Here is my experience:


When I meet my boyfriend I slept with him the first night (I was getting over my first ever break up). I was at his place and his mother apparently walked in and said "Good morning I knew you were here." To my BF. :o


When I was in the phrase that I thought he was interested in me as a GF, I would go to the family home unannounced. A few times I did that he wasn't there (embarassing to me hee hee). I heard back that his parents' didn't like me going to the place unannounced.


Then one time my bf and I were invited to one of my old school friend's party. Which was on the coast. Since his parents had a property there, we stayed his parents formal address. I went there expecting to share a bed with my BF only to have Mom come up to us and say in a delighted voice "I have made up the spare bed for Lolita to sleep in." Remember guys this was when my BF and I were FWBs.


I heard from my own mother that my BF's mother doesn't like it when I'm sleeping in my BF's room. Also she commented on me being lazy (okay I am lazy lol). However his father likes me and his mother well she likes me but she doesn't like the fact that I'm lazy and sleep in her son's bed. LOL.


As for my mom, I didn't have the heart to tell her that my relationshipn with my BF for a long time was based as a FWB she doesn't understand what a FWB is anyways and she openly says that my BF is using me for sex lol. Yeah I know that, don't need telling right :wink:


So guys tell what is your experience of your FWB's parents?

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