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How to tell your bed-buddy through 1 year that you've fallen for her

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Hi all


I am looking for a word of advice. I have fallen completely in love with my bed-buddy who I have been seeing since last summer. I met her at a festival last summer, and we have been seeing eachother on and off through the last year. We live two hours away from eachother and originally agreed that we were not going to be serious. Well, here I am 1 year down the road thinking about her every day. We don't talk regularly on the phone, so I am thinking of telling her about my feelings on an e-mail. That way, she will have time to take it in at her own pace. What do you guys reckon will be the best way to tell this? I am afraid it might scare her away, but I have to do it somehow, because this feeling is cracking me up from the inside.


Thanks in advance

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ahmad nassem

what is wrong with you , just meet her at a nice place ,have a nice conversation and tell her that you love her face to face .

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Why is it that you have fallen for her?


I have read your other threads and it seems you are moving from one "option" to the next after one girl doesnt work out, ou go to the next in line.


Im just wondering also - what is the nature of your thing with this girl - like besides sex- do you do other things??


Also you never know - she might be feeling the same way. Girls often fall for bed buddies.


Tell her face to face

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Thanks for your comments.


After my last relationship (which was only a short one, but a painful breakup anyway) I felt very sad and my self-esteem plummeted. I tried to reaffirm myself by seeing a lot of different women at the same time. It didn't do any good to my self esteem, all it ever helped was make myself feel more miserable and confused, so I stopped seeing them. Thankfully, this one girl stuck around, and I have now fallen in love with her.


We share the same interests, which is mainly music. She tours with her own band, which really turns me on :D We are both very easy going people, so just enjoying eachothers company usually does it for us. I guess I am just afraid of pushing her away by getting too involved already, because I really like her, and it's a lot more than sex to me (which is great by the way). We live about 2½ hours away from eachother, and are both quite busy, so it takes a lot of planning to spend time together.


Well, I guess I just have to tell her bit by bit how I feel about her. Sometimes it's just nice to hear it from someone who can give advice without being involved whatsoever.



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Well, I guess I just have to tell her bit by bit how I feel about her.

I agree with this. If you want more from her, do it slowly, by telling her you enjoy her company and was curious if she felt that there's potential for more than what you currently have.

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i no how u feel i am a woman in the same situation. i came on here last summer when was trying to sort myself out. i think im sorted now but im still in the relationship i talked about on here. we are no further on and no worse off. my psychic says hes my sole mate so i tried telling him how i felt. he ran a mile. when i thought we were over he came back and he just keeps coming back but we never move on. relationships are so hard to work out even when u no each other really well.

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relationships are so hard to work out even when u no each other really well.


I agree Grim. So have you tried telling your soulmate how you felt, or have things just progressed ?

I am thinking of sending some flowers for this girl, don't know if it may backfire? Comments anyone.

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4 days of complete NC from her side, since I kind of broke the ice and gave her a hint that I like her more than just as a friend/lover... I guess I am definetely "Out in the Cold", as Tom Petty puts it in his song, [sigh]. I guess there is no way to save a situation like this?

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