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trying to keep my faith in him

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i'm gonna try 'n get to the point here...sorry if i wander tho.


okay well, my bf and i have been together for more than a month now. we've been "talking" or "dating", whatever you wanna call it, for about 3 or 4 months. i'm 18 and he just turned 23...now the age thing doesn't bother us at all, and in all honesty it's no big deal to anyone. but, he's got these friends, well, most of his friends are girls, and, ironically, they all *want* him. i mean, he's a cutie i must say, and his personality is just amazing, he's nice to everyone, blah blah...but i think he thinks he's "the $hit" if you know what i mean.

i'm trying my hardest to be understanding, knowing that most of his friends are girls. i would be completely unfair to be upset with him, being as how most of *my* friends are guys.

tonight for instance...he called me, about 30 mins before me posting this, telling me to be ready around 10am tomorrow (we're going to the zoo haha...), and he sounded rushed, so i said "you can't talk now?" and he goes "no i'm leaving...". "leaving where?" i asked, "i was with the girls tonight."

now...i may just have a bad case of paranoia, but my eyes just filled with tears. i mean i never cry of stuff like this, but i just couldn't help it this time for some reason. i mean, when he was 17, he cheated on his gf. but, he's 23 now. and he was with a girl for 2 years, and never once cheated on her...and everyone just loves him...and i feel like i'm in this competition with the rest of the female population. i mean yeah, he's with *me* but, i can't look past that. i *really* like him, i do...he's a really *good* person, nice, sweet, just an all-around good person. but these GIRLS...girls girls girls. it's becoming overwhelming. i don't know what to do about it, and at the same time, try to respect the fact that these are his friends and have been for years now..

someone help, please :(

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you know, im in college and know many 23 year old guys......and i dont know of one that only hangs solely with girls. i find your man odd. sure, its normal to hang with the opp sex, but.....i dunno. you can either handle him or you cant. i have seen numerous posts about this guy, i would move on, honestly., just seems too much for you to handle...

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ahh i know i know...and it *is* stressing me out...but, i'm stubborn i think. and i just have so much faith in this relationship, and in him. you'd have to meet this guy...he's so...charming. everything about him is perfect, even on the inside. he's just so warm and caring. and he's a family man. it just seems so wrong to me to feel this way because he's been out with...girls....who, want him...but i trust him. i *do*. maybe i'm just paranoid.

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hey Sarah, all I can say is that you should feel good that you're the one he wants. Doesn't that say something? He doesn't have to be dating you, but he is, right?


I've got news for you. There will always be other women. They're everywhere. He's decided to be with you, and no one else, so make that count for something.


Regarding these other girls, if you fear losing him, ask yourself why. what insecurities and fears about yourself make you feel that he'd leave you? Name those fears, talk to them, get to know them, get to know what they feel like when they raise they're ugly little heads. Talk about them with people you trust, like your parents or a best friend. You are who you are, the good and the bad. We all are, nobody's perfect. Getting control of those fears, realizing their shape and size and triggers is the first step toward becoming confident with who you are, with becoming happy with who you are. And when you're happy with who you are, those other girls won't be a threat. And ultimately, if he does leave, it'll be consoling to know what a good thing he's missing out on.

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