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Happily remarried? I want to hear from you! =)

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About 4 years back, I found Loveshack while going through a separation, and then a divorce. I would have never, ever, thought I would return here, especially not in this section of the forums.


But now I'm back, with a new username, my old (maiden) name, and a new hope for love.


I think I found thee one. He has all the qualities I want in a man and unbelievably, he thinks the same about me! It was a 3-year friendship, a crush, denial, then a pesky a crush I could not shake, and now 3-years later, now that we're even farther away, he tells me he loves me. I like this man's insides. I liked him even when he didn't like me. We both got to see candid parts of each other that's only possible as platonic friends. He is the only man I can see babies with. He makes the future -- the very mention of the word used to give me a involuntary reactions -- he makes our future seem so natural. We haven't talked about marriage but he often talks about forever, our future home, pets, etc.


I promised myself I won't marry again unless kids were in the plans. I won't ever just marry for "love" again unless it's to build a home to fill it with little ones. Eventually we'll get to that ... but not yet. But it's not so out of the question that I can't consider it.


So to the people that remarried, the happy ones:


How did you know it was right to do it again? I actually know he's the one, bu I just wanna be extra careful this time around.



Any and all comments will be greatly appreciated!

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