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I liked him so much, we went out, I proposed sex buddies

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So I proposed sex buddies but, wejust talked about it.. never did it..

we like each other, the other day at a party we saw each other, and he had sparkly eyes and a huge smile...then I went with my friends and stuck there all night.

IN messenger I asked him why he had not danced with me once, and he said " because you were with your boy...friends and girl..friends"..and I was like...." it doesn't matter, you could've danced with me.

Well, then... suddenly I started regretting my proposal because I have never been that way.. I mean, I have a huge heart and I am very emotional and sensitive.

So, I sent him a message....

"Hey, you know what? I am sorry I ever said I wanted to be sex budies with you, I just did it because I wanted to grab your attention. But now I regret it because I have never been that way and I am never going to be that way because I don't want to do something that will leave me feeling a void in my heart, and I am sorry.".....

well, he is having a vacation to europe.

I am going to vacation in mexico and then to vegas....

I guess, now he knows I ain't gonna give it to him easily...he sure is going to think " what a moron she is, I don't like heer...she's too boring".

I used to like him soo much.

I feel ashamed of my proposal.

truth is, I have always been a good girl, I cannot do something like that.

Deep inside of me, I want him to call me and say "do you want to go out with me?"

with my values and morals... but I guess, he ain't gonna do it.

still, I feel good about having said that to him because I feel good that I gave myself respect. I never did nothing that would say something different to him, just...something I said, and which I regret.

IF he doesn't like me , being ME with my morals and all....

I guess he is not worth having my body.

And if he doesn't appreciate it, and is not interested. There's gonna be someone else for me.

What do you think? I feeel awful because now I now, I'll never might kiss him again.

It's so stupid and lame, but I really liked him because I thought he had a huge heart and the way he looked at me and the things we had in common..just said something else...We went out for a month, I refused to kiss him once, then he started doubting if go out with me or not and said I was "too much of a good girl".....truth is, he thought I was virgin, innocent, frigid...when, it's totally the opposite. I mean, I am not a virgin, I am a little innocent but I am not frigid and I love having sex..but not plain sex you know? but making love and doing things with essence.

what do you think about this?

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I'm glad you reneged on the offer, as it was a terrible idea and lacked self respect.


I think you're seeking male approval by using sex as bait. Your confidence will have a hard time recovering if you continue on this way. You need to know that you're worth more than a roll in the hay. The roll in teh hay is a privilege and a perk for the right guy who knows how to connect with you and treat you as a person. Not for some random guy who would want to hang out with you just for sex.

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I don't think you should give up thinking he will never contact you again. Men ususally like what they can't have, but after 1 month and not even a kiss - well:eek: If you like him so much I don't know why you wouldn't want a kiss yourself? I think he will contact you again but don't sit around waiting for him.

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I think he will most likely see you as inconsistent and that may either amuse him or turn him off - I'm not sure which. But I don't understand why you would make such a suggestion to him, especially if you were dating him. It doesn't really make sense. I agree with the above post that you seem to be using sex as bait so it might be good to take an honest look at that and figure it out so that you'll stop making these kinds of mistakes where you find yourself having to back-peddle in order to fix things.


As far as whether he's 'worthy' of you or not, I think that's a non-issue and it's really unfair to him to make such a statement. He's not the one who propositioned you, he just didn't take the bait. If that pisses you off, then the best thing to do in the future is to never test a man like that again.

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hehe well, i want to know him. that's it. anyways thks


This is what you should have said to him rather than "let's be sex buddies".

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