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Is he interested in more than friendship?

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I just met this guy about 2 weeks ago. The only situations we've been in each other's company have been either with a lot of friends while drinking (sometimes my friends, sometimes his) or alone at the end of the night after drinking together. He gave me his number and has told me to call him every time we part ways, (which I have a couple of times but he hasn't answered his phone, but I have left messages and he's apologized for not answering). He's introduced me to several of his friends and I know that intellectually he finds me of interest. The last time we were out together we spent most of the evening together, and there was a lot of laughing and eye contact, and at the end of the night he gave me a big hug (and another "call me"). We always have a good time together and I am very attracted to him, but am having a hard time reading him as to if he's interested in me as more than a friend. Can anyone help me out? Or should I give it more time to see how things develop.

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If he gives you his number and when you call he doesn't return your calls, doesn't that tell you something?


The next time he says "call me", tell him "no, you call me".

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I actually called him tonight and he answered and we talked for a few minutes. He has told me he has a bad habit of leaving his phone in his car. But the next time he tells me to call him I will do that.

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It does sound like he could be interested but at the same time, he might be just a really friendly person. Keep up with calling and getting to know him and I'm sure your answer will come up really fast. :)

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I actually called him tonight and he answered and we talked for a few minutes. He has told me he has a bad habit of leaving his phone in his car. But the next time he tells me to call him I will do that.

If he's interested in hearing from you, he wouldn't leave his phone in his car (that's a BS excuse IMO)....


Promise me you will not text him nor call him until he initiates contact himself first. Nothing, nada, nyet :)

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I was debating on whether or not to call him today, since I'm planning on going to the same bar he usually goes to tonight. In all previous calls I've kept it casual, and that's how I planned to keep it should I call him today. It would be sort of a "Hey, what's going on tonight?" sort of call since we know some of the same people independently of each other.

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