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New girlfriend


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I now have a new girlfriend who is the sweetest, cutest girl I’ve ever met. After 3 weeks without a girlfriend, I now have the nicest girl. Her name is Maki and I think I’m in love!!!




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i actually took a look. Of all the pictures, i liked Julie best. i can't believe you have a webpage of pics of girls though... but hey, everybody has his/her own thing to center their life around.


good luck with the maki girl. you'll likely need some wasabi!


by the way, 3 weeks?... something smells superficial here...



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Originally posted by yes

by the way, 3 weeks?... something smells superficial here...


And here I thought the photos of the naked ex-girlfriends would have been the primary clue. ;)

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I'm confused. I looked at the post right after he posted it and looked at the link to the site. There were pictures of CLOTHED girls (supposedly ex-girlfriends) and his current girlfriend. Did I miss something? :o

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Originally posted by don_guyus

Why is everyone more interested in my ex-girlfriends?


Well, sir. They were naked.

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wasabi is the green spicy stuff you put on sashimi, sushi, and maki... read up on Japanese food, man!



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google it or go to a jap. restaurant =)

(OK, maki are these small rolls, sushi is raw fish/seafood on rice, and sashimi is just raw fish/seafood with a vaggie, sometimes; maki can be veggie or not... it's a bunch of things wrapped in rice and seaweed).


is the girl japanese??



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Yes, she's Japanese. I didn't do any research on Japanese culture.


I once went out with an Indian girl and thought I'd study her culture and impress her. It was not until after I made a fool of myself that I discovered she wasn't an American Indian, but from the country of India.


After that disaster, I decided not to study Japanese culture when I started going out with Maki.

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