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Am I falling for a professional Bull$#!+ Artist

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So I met this guy about 5 months ago and he's about 7 years older than me. When we first met we didn't live close. It was about a 3 to 4 hr drive between us. I'd drive to go see him and spend the weekend and he'd stop by just long enough to sleep and leave in the morning when he came up to visit and spend the rest of his time with his friends. He had to be moved to another state about 10hrs away to be trained for a promotion for his job. On his way to the next state he was supposed to stop by and see me before he would be gone for the next 3 months. That didn't happen. He felt comimng to see me would have been a big detour in his trip, which I disagree because he did have to pass my area on his way. Since he's been in the new state we've set up a few arrangements for me to come see him and as the arranged date approaches, something always comes up. The job he has been promoted to is once again in another state and again he will have to pass by me in order to get there. We made arrangements for him to come see me and now as the time is approaching, he's saying he doesn't know yet if he will stop by. I'm scared that if he does it wil be another visit like the others. This guy claims that he likes me and that he is really interrested in me and that he would like to make me his g/f. He's even brought up the subject of living together and having kids. But he has me believing that his job traing takes up a lot of his time and when it's over he will be able to share more of his time with me. I'm not sure what to belive. Is he really interrested and just doesn't have the time like he says because of his job or is he pulling my leg and wasting my time? Actions speak louder than words but I don't want to kick the bucket now and then I'll be kicking myself in the ass later. Does it sound like he's being true to his word or is he making up fairy tales?

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Is he really interested and just doesn't have the time like he says because of his job or is he pulling my leg and wasting my time?
It appears he considers you a friend with benefits from what you wrote. In any case, you are not a priority in his life.




Actions speak louder than words but I don't want to kick the bucket now and then I'll be kicking myself in the ass later. Does it sound like he's being true to his word or is he making up fairy tales?
It sounds like he is telling you what you want to hear.


Try stepping back and reclaiming your life without him. He doesn't appear interested in a relationship and if that is what you want, then you need to look elsewhere.


I hope you find clarity.

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