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almost perfect situation

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ok so i met this girl the other day and she happens to be my best friend's girlfriend's best friend. i really like her and i think she likes me even though she didn't talk to me much when we met i think she was a bit nervous. she added me online the next night and we talked for hours a few different nights. not only that but shes going to the same college as me this year. the only thing is...she has a bf...


from what my friend's girlfriend says their relationship isnt that stable so theres a chance she will break up when we go off to school. she also mentioned it would be perfect to double date if she didn't have a bf. should i just wait and see if she breaks up with him in like a month or what? in the mean time should i just keep talking to her as friends? never been in a relationship before so not sure how to handle this.

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should i just wait and see if she breaks up with him in like a month or what?
Not sure what you mean by wait but do not place your life on hold as nothing has been promised here. Go on with your life as usual.




in the mean time should i just keep talking to her as friends?
A small amount of interaction would be OK. Don't get into discussions about her current relationship though. Allow whatever is to happen to happen on its own without any input from you. If you do this, you will have positioned yourself perfectly should she break up with her boyfriend and desire to date you.
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ok well she broke up with her bf the other night so i guess that part doesn't matter anymore. ive just been talking to her like normal online even though she seems a little shy around me in person though.

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