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Help? I need more then Help...Please Read

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Ok listen to this. Might take awile. I been seeing this girl named Lisa for about 2 years now. I love her to death, but there has been some confusion in our relationship. I mean Alot maybe confusion is not the word. Since we started dating things where great for about 5 months. Then I find out that she is pregnet. She goes on for a month telling me that it is my child. When I come out and talk to her about it she gets pi$$ed. Then breaks down and tells me that it is her ex-boyfriends child and I have no responsabilty. She breaks again and tells me that the 5 months that we dated she was dating her EX still. His name is Corey. I figured things where over between them and we start seeing each other again. Alot of other bad stuff has happen in the mean time. Too bad to list here. I know she has problems and she needs someone. Emothionaly she wasn't right. Parents, me, ex etc. Lets just get to whats happening now. I don't see her for a week. She calls me and I ask to see her. She tells me she is going to Daytona for 3 days. She was going with some friends and her EX. I trusted her and said fine. When she came back she said she can't see me because they got in a car accident and her friend Chris was hurt. Again I said fine. The next day was my birthday. I did see her, but its like everytime she see's me she just wants to drink. Well, anyway she stayed for 2 days. She said that you parents and her had to move, and had no place to go. I told her she and her daughter can live with me. She said ok, but she is going to have to call me back. Now I still live with my father, but he is cool as _____.The next day I get a call from her. She is in another town over 200 miles away. She is with her ex-boyfriend. She tells me its better there then with me because there are no parents. She is trying to get a place but I feel its going to be in Gainesville. Now not once did I get a phone call before she decided to leave town. This is a girl that we talked about moving in together, getting married etc. She cheated on me 4 times that I know of. And everytime something happens like her stealing from me and running up a $400 phone bill to call her ex. I still come back because I know she needs help and I really really do love her. I feel like a fool for comming back all those times, but it was love. I was am still in love. I mean when where together things seem great. Then when we are apart 1-2 days then something really messed up happens. I don't know what to do. I feel she is too attached to the ex. Her excuse she dated him for 2 years as well. Well I wish I had that devotion from her. I miss her to death because I can't see her. She means everything to me. I will die for her or maybe even kill for her. And again I don't want to be hurt again. Hurts too much, but I have no idea to what to do. I want to be able to prove to her that I am not going away. I want her here with me but I have no clue to what to do. I never cheated on her always been 100%faithful and loyal. I wish she can say that to me. Anyway if anyone out there read all my ramblings please help. I am dier need of help. I don't want to lose a part of my life that right now is the only part I have left.

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What this sounds like to me is you have a girl that is to hooked on her ex-boyfreind. Aslo it sounds like she is using you. Who wants a person in there life that treats you this way?? My cousin's boyfriend treats her like ##### and i tell her to just let him go because its not worth it. That is what I'm telling you also it seems like this girl really doesn't want you. I don't mena to sound mean but its the truth. You need to find someone that will love you for you and want to be w/ you and spend time w/ you. You don't want a girl who is only around when it is convient for her. You are going to do what you want anyway but if she lives w/ her ex-boyfriend 200 miles away she is obviously over you. So now you need to get over her and find some one new. It also seems like she has a lot of baggage.

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Jeremy: This girl has problems with hair on them AND SO DO YOU!!! I know you think you love her but it is totally impossible to love someone who treats you with such wreckless disrespect, inconsideration, disloyalty and rudeness. You asked for advice on what to do. I urge you to BE A MAN and get this woman out of your life this minute. She will cause you nothing but pain from now until the day you die if you keep her in your life in any form. The big mistake you made is teaching her that you will take every ounce of her crap and come back for more. She has told you she cheated on you, she is having another man's baby, she is with another man, and on and on and you STILL want her back. Get some self-respect, self-worth, dignity, and love for yourself. If you don't learn to love yourself and that you are worth far better than this cheapness, you will NEVER find honest, true love. She will probably always be like she is. When you stop equating abuse with love, you will begin to change and enjoy sweet, loving, kind women who treat you nicely. PLEASE DO THIS FOR YOURSELF!!!

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AMEN, Tony. Great response.

Jeremy: This girl has problems with hair on them AND SO DO YOU!!! I know you think you love her but it is totally impossible to love someone who treats you with such wreckless disrespect, inconsideration, disloyalty and rudeness. You asked for advice on what to do. I urge you to BE A MAN and get this woman out of your life this minute. She will cause you nothing but pain from now until the day you die if you keep her in your life in any form. The big mistake you made is teaching her that you will take every ounce of her crap and come back for more. She has told you she cheated on you, she is having another man's baby, she is with another man, and on and on and you STILL want her back. Get some self-respect, self-worth, dignity, and love for yourself. If you don't learn to love yourself and that you are worth far better than this cheapness, you will NEVER find honest, true love. She will probably always be like she is. When you stop equating abuse with love, you will begin to change and enjoy sweet, loving, kind women who treat you nicely. PLEASE DO THIS FOR YOURSELF!!!
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