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"Veterans" of Online Dating


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I don't tell women everything they want to hear....thing is....not to sound egotistical about it...but I'm indeed a decent man who treats a woman like a lady. But women have become so jaded and untrusting, things have reversed.


So, the jerks are making the genuine guys look bad as well. Like I said, I do have real life character witnesses who can state that I'm a good catch.


The jerks are having fun with the women! I'm not a jert but I always keep things light and just have fun. If you come on too strong you'll scare them off. The jerks have fun with women and they actually see themselves as the prize.


Look at Dunno What's response....maybe its the WOMEN being negative, hm?

Yes there are negative women and negative men and you're missing the point completely. Negativity will have a negative effect on your luck.


I said that those negative women will end up alone and it's true. Just be positive go on have a bit of fun and learn how to attract women.

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Argumentative as well I see :)..


I have given you good points and gotten nothing from you but shiot responses..


You may very well not be negative in real life.. but... online you come across as someone who who some negativity and possibly

sound a little fuddy duddy..

I don't mean that as an insult.. I don't know you.. and I don't know if you are like that in the real world but you do come across that way online in typed words..


Maybe just fine tuning the wording in your profile and working on your typed form in emails will help..


I'm sorry .. that is all I got.. I'm tapped out..


This interesting exchange between AC and the OP explains why the OP strikes out online. There's no warmth, humor or lightness of being. It's all defensive, prickly and heavy.


I agree with AC--the OP should take a yoga or cooking class.

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The jerks are having fun with the women! I'm not a jert but I always keep things light and just have fun. If you come on too strong you'll scare them off. The jerks have fun with women and they actually see themselves as the prize.



Yes there are negative women and negative men and you're missing the point completely. Negativity will have a negative effect on your luck.


I said that those negative women will end up alone and it's true. Just be positive go on have a bit of fun and learn how to attract women.


That's just it, I am not negative in my profile or emails!

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Heck, I've read some ladies profiles where I personally, thought we were a great match! But when I e mailed her, ignored. Then a year later, they "Blog" about it in their profile, "Sigh, I give up, there's no decent men online!" LOL


Dating is a two way street.. becuase you saw a match doesn't mean she saw the same match..

If she did she might have replied.




They perceive you differently than you perceive yourself..

You may be a decent man but that is how you look at yourself.. they might not get the same vibes..


Try having some of your female friends look at your profile and see if there isn't something you are missing..


I have used my female friends here on LS to look at my profiles thru the PM function before and got great advice..

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Well, no offense Hi, but you seem to think you are such a great catch, yet everyone is passing you by online. So, either you are not the great catch you think you are, OR, your profile is not conveying this.


OLD is indeed a numbers game, but if you are failing so miserably, it's either you, your profile, or your approach.

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Well, no offense Hi, but you seem to think you are such a great catch, yet everyone is passing you by online. So, either you are not the great catch you think you are, OR, your profile is not conveying this.


OLD is indeed a numbers game, but if you are failing so miserably, it's either you, your profile, or your approach.


OR...perhaps I'm just bumping into the wrong women for me. <shrug>

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OR...perhaps I'm just bumping into the wrong women for me. <shrug>




But, I think the problem lies more within than anything.


I have done OLD, and I get a ton of responses. Some jerks, and a few decent guys. Maybe some of the "jerks" weren't really so, but it was either what they wrote me, or something in their profile that was glaringly off. OR, honestly, if I didn't find them attractive in their pics.


I just think you need to take more responsibility for the problem...

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All these women cannot be all wrong all the time. The problem lies with one or more of the above: unflattering pics, offputting email tone/content or a "red flag" profile.


Address your own house.

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But, I think the problem lies more within than anything.


I have done OLD, and I get a ton of responses. Some jerks, and a few decent guys. Maybe some of the "jerks" weren't really so, but it was either what they wrote me, or something in their profile that was glaringly off. OR, honestly, if I didn't find them attractive in their pics.


I just think you need to take more responsibility for the problem...


Once in a while I'd occasionally get an email proactively from a lady...one was too far away though :-(


As far as women getting emails and the complaints I've heard from them is when men just say, "You're hawt, lets talk" or they ask them about sex or send them pics of their nude parts."


I hear alot of that going on....well, at least I don't do that. :laugh:

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I Luv the Chariot OH
All these women cannot be all wrong all the time. The problem lies with one or more of the above: unflattering pics, offputting email tone/content or a "red flag" profile.


Address your own house.


To be frank, they probably just don't find you attractive.

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OP, two words: Just Chill.


Why are you getting so worked up over not only online dating, but people being straight up with you on a message board?


You are defensive, unrealistic, stressed out, somewhat arrogant. Anyone who SAYS how great they are immediately strikes suspicion in me. Let your actions speak.


Most importantly: WHY are you so obsessed with online dating? I can guess the answer - you need the attention and praise of others in order to feel worthy. You obviously have low self-esteem. My suggestion is to forget about women. Focus on yourself. Focus on enjoying being alone. Singleness is a gift, a chance to understand ourselves, that people treat as a curse.

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OP, two words: Just Chill.


Why are you getting so worked up over not only online dating, but people being straight up with you on a message board?


You are defensive, unrealistic, stressed out, somewhat arrogant. Anyone who SAYS how great they are immediately strikes suspicion in me. Let your actions speak.


Most importantly: WHY are you so obsessed with online dating? I can guess the answer - you need the attention and praise of others in order to feel worthy. You obviously have low self-esteem. My suggestion is to forget about women. Focus on yourself. Focus on enjoying being alone. Singleness is a gift, a chance to understand ourselves, that people treat as a curse.


Well said. I agree completely. :)

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Anyone who SAYS how great they are immediately strikes suspicion in me. Let your actions speak.


No...just confident. ;)

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If you were truly confident, you wouldn't be sweating a bunch of computer bitches. You may think bragging about your assets projects an air or confidence, but everything else you've said here projects insecurity. If you were truly honest with yourself, which you won't be because it's scary, you'd see that you're unhappy and needy. The OPPOSITE of confident.

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I Luv the Chariot OH
No...just confident. ;)

Then why do you have to resort to the computer to find women, and fail even there? :lmao:


As a woman, I can see straight through your insecurity, and I have no doubt all the women who reject and ignore you see the same.

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Then why do you have to resort to the computer to find women, and fail even there? :lmao:


As a woman, I can see straight through your insecurity, and I have no doubt all the women who reject and ignore you see the same.


You're just going off on what I'm solely posting here, which is non-representative.

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There has to be something unattractive on your profile. Perhaps the photos or the testimonial.. Just something.


I have also done online for sometime and have done the ignoring you're talking about so many times. But there's always something about their profiles that kills my interest immediately.


I am indeed a fun loving guy as well, I even have lady friends that have told me that. So I do have character witness.


True, but the people who read your profile online do not know that.


THink about it, if you send a sincere email to a woman, who won't even respond back to it...chances are she was all about the looks and not about the character of the individual anyways.


So thus, making her not worthy of you anyhow.


Not true at all, if anything I would say women get excited by a combination of both looks and the character that comes out of the profile testimonial. I received tons of emails per day, however, I ended up dating someone who did not have any pictures on his profile.


I certainly would ignore a drop dead gorgeous guy with six pack if his testimonial consisted of slang and more than 2 typos.


I would insist that you careful examine your profile and make necessary changes.

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I would insist that you careful examine your profile and make necessary changes.



Who cares about online dating? Where people pick and choose and try to find the "perfect person"? The OP is going to now OBSESS over making his profile perfect, just to satisfy the whims of women. That is not what life is about. Everyone, stop living for other people! Be who you are and, short of being rude, stop caring what people think of you!


OP, you will RUIN your self-esteem if you continue trying to be the Ideal Man on some stupid internet dating site.

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Who cares about online dating? Where people pick and choose and try to find the "perfect person"? The OP is going to now OBSESS over making his profile perfect, just to satisfy the whims of women. That is not what life is about. Everyone, stop living for other people! Be who you are and, short of being rude, stop caring what people think of you!


OP, you will RUIN your self-esteem if you continue trying to be the Ideal Man on some stupid internet dating site.


My advice was directed to OP, who clearly cares about online dating.

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As a woman, I can see straight through your insecurity, and I have no doubt all the women who reject and ignore you see the same.

Yes it's clear now to me that the OP hasn't a clue about what women want.


The OP is doing what he sees on TV and thats not the reality of what attracts women. They are not attracted to men who shower them with gifts, compliments them all the time, agrees with everything they say etc etc. Women are attracted to men who know who they are and are confident, take the lead etc. Men who make them feel feminine.


Could you (HiItsMe) give us a few examples of messages you send so we can help you? You can block out names etc.

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Yes it's clear now to me that the OP hasn't a clue about what women want.


The OP is doing what he sees on TV and thats not the reality of what attracts women. They are not attracted to men who shower them with gifts, compliments them all the time, agrees with everything they say etc etc. Women are attracted to men who know who they are and are confident, take the lead etc. Men who make them feel feminine.


Could you (HiItsMe) give us a few examples of messages you send so we can help you? You can block out names etc.



OKay, let me find one...standby :)

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OKay, let me find one...standby :)

And try give some replies too. Word for word because it's the little things that can give hints to what people are thinking.

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Very nice profile...you seem pretty down-to-earth with an appreciation for a variety of interests, so I thought I'd say hello. :-)

I'm hopeful of meeting someone who genuinely wants to meet a partner, in the truest sense of the word. If you'd like to know more about me beyond that I'm sane, relatively normal and not into the mind-games you mentioned...I'd love to hear from you!

Your photos are great, by the way. :-)


Now who can ignore that? :)


I couldn't..

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Hello and good evening!!! How are you today? How are you this summer??


I think that you and I should go out on a date! :) I would love to enjoy some good conversation and food with you - have a nice evening together!


I'm certain you would enjoy meeting me. I'm a good guy, witty and fun, romantic, and I am hard working (assistant manager at *******).


Awaiting your reply,


I hope you can tell the difference between the two emails..


OMG, I just hope these guys are not LS members..

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