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what is she feeling?

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A friend and I recently took our relationship to the next level and have been intimate lately. When the two of us are together and hanging out it feels like we are dating. She has done several things with me that I feel go beyond friendship such as kisses on the neck during hugs, intimate massages, being physically close to one another, and sexual encounters. From what I hear, many other people get the assumption we are dating when they seen us interacting together. However, when other people we know are around she basically ignores me. A couple people have asked if we were together or if we might be in the future and she almost seems upset. She seems to have two sides and I'm not sure which to believe right now. One is when it is just the two of us and she is acts very affectionate, the other is when other people are around and she keeps her distance. I know she has been conflicted lately since she recently got out of a long distance relationship but I'm not sure the explains it. If anyone has any ideas on what she is thinking or how she feels, I would appreciate it.

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maybe she doesnt like public displays of affection! And I appreciate that! To me, it just means she respects her moments with you and has class not to display them to the world!

either that or she's embarrassed to be seen with you! one of the two!

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You sound like the comfortable nice guy that she is keeping in private. When you two are out in public, you two are psuedo dating. Dating as in you both agree you two are dating. When you two are at a party you two are friends.


Sorry to say, you are the comfort friend. Since you've two become intimate, keep getting intimate. It might not work out but at least you two have a stronger bond.


You'll have to move quick and get her on the dating line. If she doesn't want to date you, you'll have to deal with it then. Let her go or just keep the FWB going.

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A couple people have asked if we were together or if we might be in the future and she almost seems upset


She sees you as a friend. If she was interested in a relationship with you she would not get upset when other people ask about you 2. She gets upset because she knows she is leading you on and when people ask about it she feels guilty. You are there to keep her company until someone better shows up.

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Thanks for the advice so far. I am not sure if the word upset was the right one to use when describing her reaction to people's questions. She is quick to deny our interactions. While she does seem to be keeping me as company for the time being she has definately gotten even closer over the past month or so. Wrestling with one another has become more frequent and seem to put us in precarious positions. I'm not sure if it may have any bearing but she has told herself several months ago that she wouldn't date for a while and seems to be that she is fighting her feelings. There so many little things that have happened that make me think differently from day to day.

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