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For women, a man with exzma on his face

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I have a question for all women on this forum. What are your views of a man with exzma on his face? Unconfident? Ugly? Unattractive? Sick? Etc?

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It really depends ...

If you are attractive (warm, humorous eyes, decent body, funny, smart, friendly and reasonably confident, despite the skin thing), I would say that it would not be a problem. Not for me, anyways.

Might even make you extra-sexy. If you can get past it and just be yourself, it shows a lot of character. I'd rather be with someone with exzema than someone with perfect skin, but a flaky, blotched soul.

For me, a little imperfection is actually preferable. Men who are "perfect" (if such a thing exists!) tend to be egotistical and remote. Flaws make us more human, more approachable.

And I'm going to go out on a limb here, but be glad you're a guy. Most women tend to be a lot more forgiving about physical imperfections than most men.

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Years ago, when living in NYC, I had a hot fling with a very prominent older gentleman. He had eczema on his body and would sometimes bleed on my sheets when we screwed. As my sheets have ALWAYS been white, this was disturbing. Not to mention feeling his scaly patches...

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I see it as redness. So what?

I'm a blusher, and I get super-red when I work out or am embarrassed or upset. And I do not have even, airbrushed - looking facial skin, at other times. Sometimes it bugs me, but most of the time, I don't care. I give up. I'm not perfect - I repeat, so what?

Blue Soul, stop obsessing. Go see a doctor (if you haven't already) to try to modify your symptoms, and then, LET IT GO.

A man who is preoccupied with his "afflictions" is not attractive. And in the scheme of things, this is minor, it's not cancer, or not like that guy in Indonesia with the warty growths all over his body, dubbed "tree bark" man. Count your blessings.

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If I were to meet him for the first time and I saw that, I might be a bit turned off (depending on the severity, whether he is frenziedly scratching away, etc).


However, if someone I was already attracted to developed it, I'd adjust to it and look past it.

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If his face is full of eczema, then I would find it to be extremely unattractive. But if it's not severe, I could get pass it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Confidence in men is far more important than looks, IMO.


If it really does bother you though, there are medications, mainly steroid creams and antihistamines, that can allay most of the symptoms. They do wonders.. have you consulted a doctor?

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paddington bear

I have a cousin with eczema on his face - he's young, good looking and no girls have turned him down because of that - however he did do a course of treatments to lesson the severity of it. But has not put the girls off.


Also know a guy in his thirties with severe eczema on his face and head - I was amazed to see that he had this stunning looking fiancee - not because of the eczema but because he was mentally unstable and I wondered how could such a nice woman go out with a personality like that.


Go to doc. Stop obsessing over it - if you act like it's no big deal and not a deterrent for members of the opposite sex it will be so :)

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