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Lunch with ex

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I get a message from my parents house that a girl called for me and it was an ex girlfriend from HS. Apparently she went to her 10 year and had a conversation with another mutual friend, and she said she decided to track me down to see how I was. We dated in HS but it was nothing too in tense just your typical G rated relationship. She called looking for me, and I rang her up and we had a great conversation just catching up and chatting.

We decided to go catch up and have lunch/drinks. During over conversation I learned that she has a boyfriend of 5 years. We had a very long 3 hour lunch with multiple rounds of drinks and had a wonderful time together. She was even more beautiful than I remember from the last time we ran into each other about 3 years ago. Afterwards, she text me thanking me for lunch and saying that she had a great time and we should do it again soon. I texted back saying that next time we should catch up at one of her favorite restaurants for happy hour and drinks, and she said that is a great idea.


I'm a little confused about what exactly is going on here. I would love the opportunity to develop a relationship with her, but am confused about her intentions. From our conversation it sounds like her bfriend wants her to move in, but she is not heavy into the idea.


So I have a couple of questions for all the great people on this board.

What are her intentions of tracking me down after this long while she still has a B-Friend?

Is this typical of girls that just want to see how old friends/ex are after all this time?

What should I do next? Should I try and get her to meet me at the restaurant soon, or should I leave the ball in her court and contact me?

Thanks for all your thoughts and ideas in advance

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Redbull Rider

not sure if im one of the great people on this board yet but let me give it a try.


recently i've been getting together with a lot of old high school friends (including a few ex girlfriends) to catch up. one friend visits from time to time and we spend quite a bit of time together...but i take it as it comes. i dont push anything. golfing...camping...shopping...drinks...whatever she requests my company for. its an easy situation and there's little room left for me to confuse myself with. we hang out because she wants to hang out with me.


i'd suggest you leave the next move to her...it will clear up those questions you have.

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