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flirting assistance...

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I apparently don't have a clue how to flirt to show a guy that I'm interested in him asking me out. I am a pretty girl with a great personality and I have many friends that say I'm great, but yet, here I am, 3 years since my last relationship with no prospects. Everyone else gets hit on, but I don't. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I just want a date or someone who is interested in me just to get my mojo back!



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Hold a smile for 5 seconds:D.


Learned that tip and caught meself a mate;)



---Honestly just be yourself if you have the right stuff (pretty, great personality..etc) then your all set-- hey at least your not wasting your time with the wrong guys!


If there's a guy you like or are interested in then why wait for him to ask you out- do it! Infact go to a place where you'd like to meet a guy.


For example:

-a more introverted type: bookstore, volunteering, cafe, etc.

-a sporty type: park, activity center (like rock climbing ect.), gym, etc.

-an extroverted type: club, bar, party, etc.


Go to places where guys are and have fun. Mr.Right or Mr. Right now isn't going to come to you maybe Mr.Tonight or Mr. Jerk...but well you know the type you want so go searchin'!


Goodluck to ya and keep us posted!

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Redbull Rider

if the guys youre interested in are anything like me anything short of telling them "hey i'm digging you" wont work.


i've been told that i get flirted with a lot and i just never know. it might not be you...




fyi: this is my first post here...*doing my dance - uh uh uh*...lol

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I'd put my hand in the fire that she's getting approached frequently but it's just that the guys who try to get a bit close to her just aren't good enough in her eyes so she doesn't want anything to do with them or doesn't even register them. Get off your high horse and open your eyes, gal. :rolleyes:

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Like I just posted in another thread around here, see Men's Rule #1 (of course, they're ALL numbered 1...for a reason!)

Ask for what you want. Let us be clear here: subtle hints don't work. Strong hints don't work. Obvious hints don't work. Just come out and say it!

"Nice Shoes" is about as subtle as we get. That's the one hint every guy gets. Then again, it's about as stealthy as a freight train, so I don't know if it's subtle enough to even be called an "obvious hint".


Note: it generally works better for short-term plans than long-term ones, so if you want the guy for more than a week, you may have to try a different opener. Next time you're out at a bar, find a guy you like and ask him if you can buy him a drink! It may be a daily occurrence to women, but it happens so rarely to guys that believe me, he won't forget it....ever.

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The one trick that works wonders for me and is sooo simple to do:


Touch him.


next time you find yourself enticed by a guy in conversation, touch his upper arm as you say something. It's an almost fullproof flirting techinique. You can do like me and practice on a friend if it sounds intimidating at first. Now I use it without realizing it (but only on guys I'm attracted too and always with great results).


If you're feeling really bold, you can touch his knees or lower back.

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Since you don't get hit on...


What about your posture? Are you relaxed? Are your shoulders hanging down? Do you have your arms crossed?

In short, what does your body language say? Ask a friend, if you're insecure.

If you seem unapproachable, you won't be approached.


In a bar setting where are you? In a corner with friends? Alone at the bar? Playing pool?


Again, your choices dictate how you spend the evening. If you don't give people the opportunity to approach you easily and without much ado, chances are they won't.

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Forced flirting is over-rated. It comes pretty naturally if you're around the right person, you won't be able to stop yourself. It's more likely you're not going to the right place to meet guys.

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