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They won't stop hitting on me

Lil' Girlie

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Lil' Girlie

I'm an attractive asian girl and I already have a boyfriend. My problem is that whenever I'm out with friends our just by myself, I get hit on constantly. Sometimes I just ignore the guys, or sometimes I talk back or smile, just because I don't want guys to think I'm a bitch. I just want to know how to give guys the message that I'm already taken, or that I'm not interested without hurting their ego.

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Great question. I have many lady friends with the same problem. In the old days, you merely had to tell a guy you had a boyfriend and he respected that. Today, few people have any respect at all for anything. An attractive lady can protect herself somewhat by being with another man or being in a crowd of ladies when she is out. If you get hit on, just tell them you aren't interested. If they approach you again and you're in a club, complain to management. You aren't being a bitch at all by insisting that you be able to live your life without the aggravation of men hitting on you constantly. But I'm afraid it goes with the territory of being a beautiful lady. The next time a guy hits on you, say "I have a boyfriend and I would never, ever be interested in any man who would approach a lady who has a boyfriend." If that doesn't work, tell them your pit bull ate your last boyfriend and you are still working on the guilt. I know what you are going through and I hope you can develop a little sense of humor about it. On the other hand, there are women out there who would give their life to be hit on just once a month. Life is a real bitch, you know!!!

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I'm an attractive asian girl and I already have a boyfriend. My problem is that whenever I'm out with friends our just by myself, I get hit on constantly. Sometimes I just ignore the guys, or sometimes I talk back or smile, just because I don't want guys to think I'm a bitch. I just want to know how to give guys the message that I'm already taken, or that I'm not interested without hurting their ego.




The guys that are hitting on you will never get the message. And there's no happy medium as to how they think of you. If you ignore them, they'll think you're a bitch. And if you smile at them or talk to them, they'll think you want them. This is a normal ego of a male. So don't worry about what they think of you. React to them however you feel. And another thing. Some guys will turn away if they see a ring on your finger, but some won't.

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