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sorry in advance if its pretty long...


basically i like this girl from work, we get on really well as mates and have a good laugh together, we went cinema as mates, i paid, had a great time and we decided too go again when she got back off holiday, this time she paided i tried too pay but she wouldnt let me, i know this basically meens that this is just as friends aswell, during the film we had a laugh and during the film she sort of lent over towards me and looking back on it i wish i put my arm round here, or held her hand, but insted i didnt do anything, the reason i did this was because im still really unsure what she wants, how she see's me etc. At work we get on well but nothing really flirty just joking around. She text me tonight saying you free in the week, theres loads of films i want too see...basically i want too know what i should do next because i want her too know how i feel about her but im not sure on the best way too do this as i have too work with her every weekend, i know that i wont be working there for more than 2 months, also im 19 and she is 18 if this helps


any advice is really helpful :)

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For the moment, keep it in your mind that you are casual "movie buddies". That sounds as if how she may be looking at it. I think your instinct at the time, to not hold hands or put your arm around her, was correct.

After 6 or 8 "just movies", you can then think about asking her if she is interested in something more serious...maybe after you leave your mutual workplace, if she doesn't like the idea of dating a coworker.

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yeah i kind of do feel like we kind of just "movie buddies" although we did go out for dinner, and we going the movies yet again this week, and today at work she was joking around with me loads, im rubbish at judging signals, i really want too just go for it, but i need/want too know what she wants i suppose before i make a move as it could be a costly mistake.

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