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Blinded by love: He just acts like he doesn't care but then he does.


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I am a 20 year old aries and have been dating this 21 year old scorpio. First off according to our signs we are on a battlefield with eachother. In the beginning are relationship was good he adored me gave me attention would take me out and buy me anything I wanted. Then he started focusing more on work and hanging out with his friend that he works with all the time. We started fighting a lot and we weren't getting a long because he doesn't pay enough attention to me. Then he said that it has been drama and it's not worth it to him. Then I said I wanted to work things out. So then we were getting a long but I have to ignore that he never has time for me. He doesn't call me back right away all the time. He hangs out with his buddy non stop and does everything with his buddy and oftem leaves me to be with his buddy. I am lost here he says he wants to hang out with me but, he doesn't call half the time he drops everything to go surf with his buddy. He makes plans with me then something comes up with his buddy or work, which also envolves his buddy. I am just wondering if I am out of line here. I have been understanding about this whole thing I think. I just came to a rock bottom where I am wondering where I fit in this whole picture. I didn't get a hold of him for a few days and he lost his phone. So i left him a message saying if he's not returning my phone calls then fine. Then when he got his phone back he called me to tell me he wasn'y avoding me. I don't know what to think about it. I know he has a hard time with gettign attached to people and he's afraid of being hurt. But I can't sit on the back burner forever. I have other guys that want to be with me and treat me good. I just am stuck on making this work but I can't forever. He is just giving me mixed emotons and he gets my hopes up then let's me down. He just acts like he doesn't care but then he does. I don't know help me please.

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Originally posted by peaches20

Then he said that it has been drama and it's not worth it to him. ...... I have to ignore that he never has time for me........ he oftem leaves me to be with his buddy........ .He makes plans with me then something comes up with his buddy or work, which also envolves his buddy................... I have other guys that want to be with me and treat me good

I highlighted the main point that i think you need to focus on. i think you have the classic syndrome of loving being treated like Sh*t. dont worry, we women fall into it all the time, and so do some men.

leave this fool. hes worthless to you.

the other lines that you posted, that i left in this quote stand out to me and should stand out to you. they are obvious signs he couldnt really give a rat's rear about you.

like i said, leave this fool. and never talk to him again

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I don't see anything in your post that justifies staying with a guy who isn't treating you the way you want to be treated.


Why are you so stuck on making this work? What has this guy ever done for you?

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