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does she want a relationship?


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I'll take any advice i can get on this one..


I've known this girl, we'll call her ashley, for about a year and a half. We were never really that close and have only really seen each other outside of school about a dozen times. But she recently invited me to a party and i went. Before my second drink she was getting romantic with me, and beofre the night was over we had sex.


I have never had a girlfriend, been on a date, or french kissed a girl before. I really would prefer a long term relationship over a one night stand, maybe that part of my problem. so anyways having all this happen so quickly was a big rush to deal with.


The next morning when we were recovering from our night she kissed me agian and said she would call me later that evening after work, i really didnt expect to talk to her that day because we were both really tired and as i expected i was asleep and found out she was to before the time she said she would call.


I waited the next day for a few hours to see if she would call me but i eventually broke down and called her. we talked for about 5 minuntes because she was headed out the door to see some friends, and i asked her to call me after i got out of work at 10 p.m and she said she would try but she wanted to get sleep on account of her class pictures being the next day. She never called.


I was so sure she would call, on account of the sex.. i mean how much more of a signal can u get that someone finds u attractive? Me and her did go to a school dance together once before, but she kind of ran off with friends for majority of the night and never really showed much interest.


On the small basis where i have talked to women like this i have had bad luck with girls seeming interested, then after a few calls or face to face discussions they always draw themselves away and ignore me like the plauge only speaking to me in class or occosionally on the phone. I am a worry wort by origin, so i wouldnt be suprised if its all in my head. Should i just forget about it or let it ride for a few days and see if she tries to contact me?




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No matter what you do, she may call you or she may not. I wouldn't worry about it. Obviously, this encounter wasn't too big a deal for her. I think most people who have a few drinks and end up in the sack with somebody the same night really aren't looking for a lifelong partner...or even someone to date. The alcohol just brings out a primitive desire to screw.


You need to start thinking more highly of yourself...get some confidence...and pursue the ladies with a new zest. And don't go to bed with them right off the bat. Get to know them and get a relationship going before you take that step...that is, if you really want a longer term relationship with a lady.


Meanwhile, congratualtions on doing in one night what it takes most people quite a bit of time to accomplish. You ought to be real proud of that.

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