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How do you know if it is forever?


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I've never been able to use the word forever in a relationship. I wouldn't let any guy tell me forever either. My boyfriend now just started using the word forever and it kind of scares me. How do I know if he means it? He seems sincere to me but I don't want to end up believing it and then get hurt in the end. Any advice would be great, Thanks.

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I say, never say never AND never say FOREVER! Look the truth is we never know in life. Its not about whether he means it, he may very well be meaning it from the bottom of his heart, he might believe it beyond anything he has ever believed in before, but things do SOMETIMES change. Not always but sometimes they do.


It’s like the little boy that dreams about being a Fireman when he grows up but ends up being a butcher. At that time he really believed it, and then sometimes things change. SO stop worrying about whether he means it or not. What does your instinct tell you about your relationship? Look you are always vulnerable to being hurt when you are in ANY relationship so… don’t waist time worrying too much, enjoy all you can about him today! AND trust you’re instinct!


Love and Light



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Exactly, so many variables in life, too many ifs, buts and things you don't expect flying round the corner, that to KNOW something for definite, for ever, for sure is impossible.


What is more realistic is to say that you would like something wonderful to last for as long as it is meant to and to squeeze the love, joy and wonder out of every single amazing second as much as you can.


Never say never or forever, that's my motto too....

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