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After 9 months, she figured it out...

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Basically, there's this girl I really, really like. She's the girl that I like more than anyone else I've ever liked, and at my age, 9 months of liking someone is quite a long time. That's because, from the start I promised myself that I would do everything I can to keep my feelings hidden (that is, I won't tell her) for as long as I possibly could. It's because I have had bad experience with good friendships being ruined with feelings becoming known. In the beginning, it really wasn't a huge deal, we were friends, but not that close.


Over time, I guess we just got tighter and closer, and up until recently I guess you could say we were really good friends. This was enough for me, I didn't want or expect more. Truthfully everything about is her to me is perfect. Personality, looks, everything. I don't want people to judge, but I guess honestly, she is kinda shallow, which a lot of people are in teen years anyway. Because of this myself and my/her best friends pretty much agreed that she simply wouldn't go for a guy like me, which is why I was happy to have a close relationship with her.


It basically went for 9 months like I mentioned above, and in that time we got closer, did more 'friend stuff' (phone calls, movies, etc), and developed trust for each other, and that sort of stuff.


But now, she figured it out (and someone would have confirmed it to her) that I like her. The main thing is that it's probably going to be awkward for at least a while, and I really don't want the friendship to worsen. In the long term I want it to hopefully remain the way it was.


The problem is, in my mind, I don't really want to move on. Like before, I wanted to keep my feelings the way they are, until psosibly someday in the future when I'm ready to maybe act on them.

The thing is, if I do, I can't afford to let her know, and well, I really don't know what to do. This is much less significant, and my main question is, how do I keep close to her, and get her to move on from this 'discovery'.

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thats a pretty akward situation, ive kind of been there myself but i wanted too be more than mates at the time, where as it seems like your quite content with just being friends atm, i supose you have got two options 1)give her a bit of time too think about things and then try and see her or ring her whatever you usauly do with her before really, and show her that things can still be the same without having that akward feeling, or 2)you talk with her about things and explain to her that yes you do really like her but you would rather have her as an amazing friend insted of your lover, than lose her completly, i hope this helps a little :)

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