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Is it ever good

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Hi Everyone:

I wanted to wait to write about this until I know what I was writing about!

Anyway, there is a guy I really like (Isn't it the way it always starts, lol) I thought he had broken up with his g/f so told him my feelings. He hasn't, and feels he can't due to her family issues. She has indicated that she might move to where he lives, but it's been two years, and he is just not in love. She is waffling though, and also said she might stay where she is, which she knows will lead to a breakup, as he is not moving back to their hometown. I think he loves her a great deal, but not like that. Over the last few months, he and I have gotten close. If there wasn't a her, he definitely would explore something. We haven't done anything, although when we talked, he took me to a very nice dinner. He is also dealing with a lot of other stuff, so it wasn't just about that.


After talking to him about stuff, I decided I couldn't talk to him about the girlfriend, so I wrote him a note indicating that. I made it very clear that I wouldn't forget he had one and will act accordingly. He hasn't responded so I don't know if he was mad about it. I don't care in a sense because I must have boundaries, and as I said to him, I just can't go there. There is enough other stuff going on in both of our lives, where we don't NEED to talk about that.

However, here is my question. I think in a sense she thinks she has it made because not very many people would be interested in him. Like me he has a disability, and not everyone would take that on. She doesn't have one. He is also pretty insecure and has probably told her

in the past that most people wouldn't want him . (If someone is nice to him, he acts like they are god or something..) I don't do this with guys, because whether it is true or not, don't want to be at a disadvantage in that regard. I think she is more into him, than he is into her, but he feels probably if it doesn't work out with me, than he will have dumped a perfectly nice, loyal g/f. Ok, what is my question. Is it ever a good idea to tell your current g/f that other people might be interested in you. I don't know, it seems kind of mean in a way, but it may force the issue at least


Lol, I think I may have answered my own question. No, not a good idea, lol. However, would still like people thoughts on the situation.

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I gotta respect his loyalty. You picked a great guy. How long can you wait...


He is one of the best men I have ever met. Just incredible. And he has been through so much in his life. (which leads to a lot of his insecurities.) I can wait until January. One of the reasons I respect him so deeply is his respect for other people. I could tell he was tempted when we went out, but he wouldn't do that to this woman. He's very spiritual, Catholic, and in hs case, I think it gives him very high morals. However, he isn't like a bible thumper or something, his religion is just one of his peaceful places. I went out awhile back with someone without a strong moral base, and it eneded really badly, so now I look for it.

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A reborn Christian would be obliged to follow the teaching from Scripture which instructs a believer: "Do not be unequally yoked". It is an instruction concerning partnerships of any nature.


This means that a Christian is not to marry a non-Christian. Not even to date one.


Do not then become a nominal Christian to merely get into his good books. Rather, ask from an evangelical Christian church what it means to become God's child.

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A reborn Christian would be obliged to follow the teaching from Scripture which instructs a believer: "Do not be unequally yoked". It is an instruction concerning partnerships of any nature.


This means that a Christian is not to marry a non-Christian. Not even to date one.


Do not then become a nominal Christian to merely get into his good books. Rather, ask from an evangelical Christian church what it means to become God's child.

I'm actually Greek Orthodox. He is isn't a fundaentalist, but what I would consider to be a Kennedyisk Catholic, iin terms of giving back to the community and his liberal politics. Although more moral in terms of his personal morals. He had thought of becoming a priest at one point, so I do understand that I couldn't just join in his faith, but would have to try to embrace it, and have read up on Catholiscsm a bit. He also appreciates Greek Orthodoxy because there are a lot of similar rituals. And in my reading, though it was different, it was closely alligned. I also talked to my friend who is Catholic, and he said that even amongst Christian religions mine and his were the ones that meshed most well together. And yes, I'm assuming I would convert to my guy's.

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She is quite correct!

Check out his position on "reborn Christians" anyway. Just to be sure.

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She is quite correct!

Check out his position on "reborn Christians" anyway. Just to be sure.

I will. Seeing him in 24 hours! The first time since our talk. Should be interesting!

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