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There is this guy...


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First of all let me start by telling you I am not a teenager. I am a grown woman who is really not sure where I stand. I have this friend or more of an aquaintance that I think might be interested in me. I have never been very good at picking up the signals and signs that men send my way, more often than not I have to literally be told by the interested party or someone else who might notice, but I alas am completely oblivious. Ok now for the problem... There is this man that I know, he is handsome, smart, funny, confident and a bit of a flirt. He always notices when I have done something different to my appearance, even if it is subtle. Remembers every little thing I tell him, asks me all the time what my plans are, tells me he admires me and always seems to find a way to touch me. My hair if I walk by, My bare calf the other day as I sat near him with a pair of shorts on. Now he works in the public eye and I am trying to figure out is he just being nice to me so I continue to patronize his establishment or does it sound like something more. Also he gets quite personal with his conversations at times. I am so flustered and confused by this whole thing. I myself find I am attracted to him and am not the type to just throw caution to the wind and go for it. So I am looking for a little advice here from an unbiased opinion. oh by the way I am not hard on the eyes either, very intelligent and pretty confident with most aspects of my life, but I am painfully shy when faced with this type of situation so any help or advice would be appreciated.



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