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Left eye is darker than right

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kae so I JUST noticed that my vision in my left eye is significantly darker

than my right. Should I take this as a sign of something? IDK. maybe its just cz im buzzed but no matter which way I turn its that way, even if the light is at the same spot, (ex my comp) still the same, its WIERD,

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Go to your eye doctor and get that checked out. I don't wanna take a guess or assume anything, so neither should you.

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Don't want to scare you as there are probably many reasons why this could happen. Anyways, my mother noticed her eyes diverging in color in her late 20's and ended up having oculor melenoma. As I said there are probably tons of reason and don't get freaked out, just go to your eye doc as soon as you are able to be sure.

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