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Pursue It Or Leave It Alone?

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Okay so I'll try to keep this short and sweet. Back in April, my online friend of 2 years came on to me. At first it was playful conversation that quickly turned into out right flirting and from flirting a deeper conversation - I didn't think any of it because he was in a relationship at the time with one of our mutual friends but come to find out, they were having some problems.He came to me for advice on the situation, I gave it, he broke up with her and I played the good friend as he struggled through it. He started having family issues - I did my best to cheer him up from 3k miles away and then we lost touch for about a month due to school, work, etc. Fast forward to the present day and when we were finally able to talk, he was as literally as you can be online, all over me. We touched base again and caught up in each others lives.He was dropping major hints again but I found out that he likes this other girl who recently came into the picture but they aren't together because she doesn't want a relationship. (Though she is 15 and he is 19, I doubt they would be together anyway.)Through all of this, I realized I developed quite the mixed set of feelings for my friend and I'm not sure if I should approach him about it. Any advice in my situation?(And sorry if everything isn't spaced, my PDA doesn't format my pargraphs sometimes.)

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