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Why does this keep happening?

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Ok, so here's the deal.

I keep getting stuck in the same place every time I try and get with a girl.

I'll flirt with a girl, she'll seem to like me, I'll get her number and/or ask her out, we'll text back and forth, maybe even talk on the phone (once), then when I try to set up a date... they're always "busy". I've never gotten past this point, wtf?

There's this girl I'm talking to now that I pretty much KNOW likes me.

Heck, the first time we met I smacked her ass on a dare, and she liked it so much she had me do it again! Last time we saw each other she hugged me and said she had missed me. Later on we were watching a movie in my friend's living room, I was sitting next to her, and she let me put my arm around her.

I dunno, maybe this girl really IS just busy, but I can't help but feel like this is a recurring problem that I need to figure out.


What could I be doing wrong? Any ideas?

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You aren't really doing anything wrong. She's the one that's going all weird on you. Who knows, she COULD be busy for real, so your best bet for now is to just give her the benefit of the doubt. As for you, don't think too much about it, man. She'll come around eventually, you'll see. :)

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Couple of thoughts: [1] Texting is impersonal...it does NOT allow the other person to get a good sense of your thoughts, beliefs, personality, how you relate with, and respond to. All of which is needed to feel comfortable enough to want to spend one-on-one time with. Get on the phone more often -- show that you are willing and able to make the effort to put your time, energy and 'self' into the picture.

[2] Make your invite a 2-part question. FIRST find out "would you like to go to <wherever> with me?" If the answer is yes, THEN ask, "when are you free to do that?"

EDIT TO ADD: If they say, "lemme get back to you" but never actually do that, they were lying in response to your FIRST question...would likely turn out high maintenance, and who needs that?

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To Ronni_W: The reason I've been texting this girl is b/c when I asked her if she would like to go out, she said "Sounds good to me!" then gave me her # and said "You can text me sometime," So I'm only really doing what she asked me to do. I TRY calling her, but she never answers and never returns my call (aside from once... and she sounded casual, and happy to have heard from me in the voicemail). She answers my texts about 90% of the time, she's only didn't reply once. I'm DEFINATELY seeing her at my friend's wedding, so if anything else I can talk to her there and try and get things going.


Thanx guys for your replies!

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, she said "Sounds good to me!" then gave me her # and said "You can text me sometime,"

Gotcha - thanks for clarifying. SHE is the one who is keeping it impersonal, so ignore what I said before :laugh:. Hopefully you will get a clearer sense of things at the wedding. I'm betting that you are too smart to let her string you along by forever saying, "yeah, sure...soon" (right?) -- in which case, all will be well. Best of luck to you, and good wishes to the soon-to-be-weds, too :love:

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Sometimes it's just the people you are meeting and surrounding yourself with. You will NOT be everyone's cup of tea. Trials and tribulations are just a part of life. Even if she's not for you, someone else out there is. Keep on keeping on.

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