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My dilemma

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Alright to get to the point there is two girls im interested in, but they are both best friends. Now to tell the story: First off, I started to get interested in this girl at my work (lets call her girl A). Everything was going well till I met her best friend (girl B). I started to get to know girl B more and she seemed interested too. Well maybe about a week or so girl B started working at my job. So now I have both of them together all the time. So should I just stay with one girl, drop trying to be with either one, or just make sexy time with both and call it quits?


Also girl A is always telling me how I'm her favorite person to work with and hates not seeing me. Then girl B always wants me to hang out with her, but she has girl A with her most of the time. :mad:

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Sounds tricky. Why would you want to date a coworker anyway? You become the topic at the water cooler and women don't leave details out. If I were you, I'd leave them both alone, but if you must choose one and stick with that one. Also, this may become detrimental to their friendship and you don't want two females turning against you. They can make your life a living hell.

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Yeah thats exactly what I was thinking. Just wish she didn't get a job where I worked then everything would have been a little better :(.

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Yeah, I would find girl C, don't date where you work, and definitely not best friends, it can only end up ugly.

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You're the male version of the person dating two best friends at the same time.


I agree with the other poster, find and date girl C, D, E, F, etc

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Whenever it comes to work situations, keep your guard up. This can be very taxing but the second you let it down, ppl may try to bring you down. Just learn to SEPERATE your WORK LIFE and your PERSONAL LIFE.

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Yeah, I would find girl C, don't date where you work, and definitely not best friends, it can only end up ugly.


Not only ugly for you...but you don't want to jeopardize their friendship with eachother.

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Alright I think I might have found girl c, but I'm not sure. Well I met this girl at a concert. I met her before through some friends. Well anyway well we start talking and such and I get her number. Then eventually I call her and we go for a movie; went well i suppose. Then later on she wants me to hang out with her and some friends (she has been calling and texting me alot at this point). So I go along and to find out her ex is there and this chick I worked with who I never really liked. So for me that night didn't go so well it was awkward for me. After this she hasn't really contacted me unless I call/text her. I ask her to go for coffee, but she was out somewhere with her friend. She drops her off and meets me for coffee.


It kinda looks like this might just go down the road as friends or something like that. Its just that she doesn't really act the same way anymore. Any more advice would be nice thanks.

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