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in love with my friend

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Some months ago I met a girl and work and we've become close friends. We get on brilliantly, email a lot at work, go out to lunch and also email outside of work too. We also complement each other and she often remarks how handsome and sexy I am and how good I am to her. Similarly, I think she's beautiful in every way. We have loads in common, hug frequently and are sometimes flirty with each other, but not in a really rude way. She always tells me how much she misses me when we don't see each other.


The problem is, I'm having trouble stopping myself falling for her. And this would not be good as she has been married for 2 years. Her husband is totally different to me - a little controlling and possessive, and wouldn't appreciate the friendship we have. However, she often talks about him despite the way we are with each other. Clearly, this is a natural thing to do as she loves him and married him.


I'm gradually coming round to thinking that I must back away, as it's not doing me any good: I go from elation when we are together to feeling down sometimes when she mentions her husband or the things they do together. I have real trouble understanding why she's the way she is with me when she's supposed to be married. As I speak, she has emailed saying she will be home in 40mins if I want to chat on MSN.


But if I backed off I would miss her friendship terribly, and she would miss me too. It would also be awkward as we work in the same building.


But what other options do I have?

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