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Flirting Tips..Need em!!!


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Girls tell me what a guy does to flirt that you love and guys tell me what you do to flirt with women

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Different women respond to different flirting methods... but there are a few key things.


Make eye contact a lot and smile when conversing, this is a winner and this should be the first thing you do to open the door


A few brief touches on the arm or the leg, quick when you're in the middle of a conversation


If she's got some jewellery particularly rings touch it and ask where she got it from, i've found most women absolutely LOVE this


Lots of others, make her laugh too, this should all flow naturally and not be forced. Quite often it's not what you say but the way that you say it

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I would be careful when touching a women, she might try and call sexual harassment on you or something. Women seem to think all guys are creepy/rapist if they show "that" kind of attention to them, its the medias fault really, always talking about the rapist/killer around the next corner just waiting for you. always sensationalizing everthing, "The common product almost everyone has in their homes, and how it can kill you,tune in at 11 to see if you are at risk!" - typical news broadcast.

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