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im in a pickle.what do i do?

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Ok here it is. My boyfriend and i broke up about 3 months ago, but we still hook up.. Im still really in love with him and i think hes moving on hes even gone out on a date, and thats not even my problem. I think i mite be pregnant and i dont know how to tell him ,if i should tell him. i just dont know what to do!..he doesnt want a child believe me i know and he would get so mad if i was!.what should i do please help.:confused:

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Ok here it is. My boyfriend and i broke up about 3 months ago, but we still hook up.. Im still really in love with him and i think hes moving on hes even gone out on a date, and thats not even my problem. I think i mite be pregnant and i dont know how to tell him ,if i should tell him. i just dont know what to do!..he doesnt want a child believe me i know and he would get so mad if i was!.what should i do please help.:confused:


Well first off, step back from the situation and look at it: you still hooking up with someone that you care for who from looks of things is only taking advantage of the situation, in a bad way.


Like the saying goes "why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free..."


This guy is milking you for all the sex he can get and still get a chance to meet other girls.


Also two things, 1)when are you suppose to expect that time of the month? 2)if you haven't yet and it was suppose to come, go buy a prego test or go to your local Planned Parenthood and get tested to see if you are, because don't assume, get the facts before you say ANYTHING, cause if your not and you thought you we're and you tell him before you really find out, he will be angry that you worried him with something that isn't even true and that may lead him to not trust you, let alone want you around in certain aspects, like the physical, which means no more hooking-up with you, cause once you bring up the baby talk, guys change towards a woman, especially if they weren't dating.


Lastly, have you even tried talking to him, to let him know that your not happy with the situation and that eh needs to make a choice about it all, because this is unhealthy for you, especially if you still love him, because you may think its okay I'm not hurting anyone, but you are. Your hurting yourself and your chance to be happy down the road with someone.

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