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normal to not trust


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I was sexually mentally and physically abused as a child the sexual molestation was performed by my stepfather it started when I was 6 years old and it continued until I was in my teens the physical and mental abuse started when I was 8 years old by my mother and stepfather.


My grandmother had witnessed the sexual abuse that my stepfather had been doing to me when I was 7 she confronted my mother and told her what she had seen and my mother denied it and disowned my grandmother. I used to beg my mother to take me everywhere she went as I knew as soon as she went out my stepfather was going to sexually abuse me As soon as my mother was out of the house he had to do it.


I told my mother what he was doing to me and she didn't believe me at all the one true person who was supposed to protect me didn't I tried forgiving but I just can not come to forgive them the physical and mental abuse was not better I go beat with everything from dog leashes to plastic wiffle ball bats the worst was when I was 10 my step father grabbed me by me throat and slammed me up against the wall and proceeded to choke me until I was turning a lovely shade of blue


When I was 12 years old I had started therapy and I had told the therapist about the abuse I was going through the sexual abuse the mental and physical abuse the therapist told my mother and my mother pulled me from therapy.


I guess my question is ever since the therapist broke that trust between her and myself is it normal to not trust a therapist Cause of the trust being broken!!!


I have been in and out of therapy cause of the trust issue I have been diagnosed as having bipolar and an anxiety disorder

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I don't know. I don't think there's a normal or abnormal for the way people deal with things in general. Everyone is different. Some women have problems trusting men because of various things that have happened to them, and some have issues with vulnerability and not general trust. It's a very personal thing.


Have you tried any groups? Maybe that would be easier for you to start? Other than that, you may just have to rationalize the matter when you feel as though you want to quit. I do believe that they're supposed to report abuse to the authorities, but I'm not sure if that varies state to state etc. But you're not a minor anymore, and unless you seem to be a danger to yourself or to others, you know that this situation won't happen again.


I imagine that you've talked to a therapist before about not trusting therapists?

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