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More than a friend? Or simply just a good buddy?

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Heh, I guess this is another one of *those* threads.


So there's this girl I've known for about 6 months or so at uni. We hang out, always within our group of friends, which just is usually her, another girl and a bunch of us guys.


Now a few months ago, I started getting signs that she might like me more than a friend, sometimes we went out as a group, she'd sit close to me, sometimes even pressed next to me (this didn't happen all the time though).


Then there was that one time when we went out to a pub after exams and she was basically pressed up against me for the whole thing. Apparently, (can't remember much myself) we were just sitting outside together for a good few minutes really close together afterwards.


And then there was that other time when we went clubbing as a group and again apparently we were dancing really close to each other, reports from friends are we were REALLY close. Unfortunately, we were both drunk at both these times so I don't know how to take this..


But here comes the kicker, she's never more than a friend whenever I see her at uni, and not even a particularly close one, just someone I'd talk to but not closely.


I'm not sure what to do, should I take the initiative and ask her on a date? Or is she simply putting me in the friend zone here?


(yes, I realise this makes me sound like an alcoholic, I'm not, I just have a really low tolerance level :p )

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No, I think he's looking for advice on how to get her to stop pressing against him :D


And the answer is.....


Ask her out :)

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