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should you go with a mans words or actions


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I am saddened by a relationship filled with ambiguios messages. A man I could fall in love with says that there is no way he can ever be in a relationship yet he always calls me wants me over, calls me pet names etc.


It was fine at first but I am growing bored and tired of the frustration I feel. I just am so busy that to go out and meet others requires to much energy right now. I'm in graduate school. I am very attratctive and am used to dating a lot of attractive men and am used to having a fun social like but the demands on school have made me feel so isolated and deppressed. HELP!

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Well....if he's not looking for a relationship with you...then he's not interested. Asking you over and using pet names doesn't convince me any differently either. If you ask him for a romantic connection and he says no...then that's it. Saying you are "too busy" to meet people is not any sort of reason to cling to something you are imagining as a relationship between you two. You also shouldn't let him try to get any sexual activity out of you without committing to a relationship, because that would simply be using you. In this case, if he says no it means no.

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Remember this:


While you are spending time with the guy you mentioned, there is someone else out there looking for YOU. (Hint: he will light up your life!) Help him find you. Get out there so he knows you're available. No excuses!


Right now, the only thing standing between you and a great relationship is simply isolation. Try a personal ad (newspaper or online)...I've met some wonderful people that way. Or just get out and circulate. Make yourself visible. See what happens!


Hugs for you :)



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