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My friend wtf

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Alright don't know where exactly to put this but oh well. This might be kinda long and pretty random, but I just want to know why she could be acting this way.


To start this off I asked my friend (we've dated before) to go to a concert with some friends and I on Friday as a date or get together whatever she wanted to take it as. She acted excited and said she wanted to go. Well Friday rolls around and I give her a call to see if she was coming. She says that she made plans to hang out with someone else and that she would call me after she did whatever. I had no idea what to say, so I just said ok. I hate when people drop out on me at the last min.


Well I'm at the concert and she calls couldn't really hear much. So I was still trying to be nice and invite her to my friends party, but I never got that out (reception was bad) and she told me to call her after the show.


Well I called and she didn't answer and she still hasn't called me back. I don't know if she is uncomfortable that I still kinda like her or what, but if she didn't want to go why not just say so. Not sure if she made plans before I asked her and she forgot about the other.

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I think it would be best to leave the relationship/friendship alone for a while. If you like her and she doesn't feel the same then it will not be a good outcome. Keep your distance and let any bad feelings die down. Once you've moved on from your feelings for her, I'm sure you can still be friends.

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she may of not wanted to let you down at the time of you asking her or dissapoint you by saying no which is why she said she would go.


She proberly hasnt been in touch with you or answered her phone could be because she feels bad for letting you down.

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Yeah I think I'll just give her space and see what happends. I feel more let down when someone backs out at the last minute when you've already had the plans made to be with that person and especially when they say they have plans with someone else.

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