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My wife and i have been married for 3 years together for 7 she is 24 and im 25,we have been seperated for 8 months now living in seperate homes,but we still talk and see each other every once in a while.We are still very best friends and niether of us is seeing anyone else.It all started one day over a dumb little arguement and i told her to leave I really didnt think she would stay gone and get her own apartment to live in. she had just graduated college and started a stressfull job and i blame alot of it on that and the fact that i worked out of town alot when she was in school and wasnt there for her like i should have been.She calls me accasionally and says that this whole thing is dump and she would rather have our life together back.and then she wont go no farther with it and will not commit to work on fixing our marriage which i think could be very easily put back together if she will just take this one step.so what should i do? Is she just messed up in the head? or just confused and needs more time to her own?will i be a good man for being so patient or a big wuss for it? The only regret i have in my whole life is me telling her to leave I love this woman and she is my best friend. I realize there are other women and im not desperate but why try with someone else when everything I want is right there in front of me?please help me figure this out

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I don't get it.. why does SHE has to take the next step.. why don't you take it.. maybe she is waiting for you to do something.. or say something.. maybe you are BOTH waiting for the other to take the next step.. :o

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Do you love her? Do you want to have children, build a life together? If so, then tell her this and put it out there. I know you are scared of being rejected but doing nothing isnt' helping.

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hell yeah i love her and want to spend my life with her so what do i do so she doesnt feel so pressured because ive done this and it only pushed her farther away how do i do it without being a wuss also without all the crying and begging.

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