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I have a problem with her talking about her ex bf all the time

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wut up everyone! yes, im a newbie to the site, but i have a question. I havnt really been dating or nothing just chilln with my buds and going to work everyday. I met this girl like 2 weeks ago. Shes pretty cool and has a great personality and i try to understand her and learn more about the girl everyday. I havnt been dating cuz back in high school some girl and i went our seperate ways (her idea) so i didnt feel like putting work into another relationship which would go no where. well anyways im kind of wanting to try again and am taking it slow. We talk and hang out and are in a friendship like relationship right now which is aiight but i have a problem with her talking about her ex bf all the time, at first it was ok and ill listen in and try to understand where shes coming from but damn i dont want to her bout the fag everyday and how hes an ass for doing stuff ect. Anyways I am trying to find a time to make some moves but its freggn hard now. I dont want to go to fast but i dont want to stay at our just friend level. I guess im moving a lil fast cuz im sort of wanting to have a girlfriend or whatever but I want her to be like a friend one. bahaha i have no clue help me out what am i to do.

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It sounds to me like you are a little immature. how old are you anyway?


If she keeps talking about her ex, then she probably isn't over him. The best thing you can do is listen to her, even if you don't want to hear about her ex (and calling him a fag is really immature) and show her that you are a caring, attentive person....even if you are just pretending. That's the best way you will win her over. Otherwise, she will just think you are a concieted jerk.


Pay attention to any signals that she gives you that she wants to persue the relationship further. That way you will know it's ok to make the moves. And if she keeps acting like a friend, then just be a friend to her. Friendship should come before romance anyway, unless you're just trying to get laid. And if that is the case, it'll never work anyway.


Why don't you just be a gentleman and ask her on a date? Ya, know if you really are interested in this girl, it would do you some good to listen to her talk about the bad things her ex did, that way you can learn from his mistakes and not make the same mistakes he did.


Anyway...I really think you should follow my advice..if you are truly interested in her. If you're just wanting to get in her pants, then do the girl a favor and leave her alone.

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you right nurse_jamie about everything youve just said, im 20 and I like to joke around alot not meaning im immature and the last thing i want is to get into her pants, i just want her to know i have feelings for her. When we talk about her ex I listen and ive even talked about mine with her a bit but it was just concerning me because she has spoke about him in a couple diff. conversations. I never asked about her exs or nothing she just tends to bring it up. It doesnt bother me at all but id just rather not hear about it because it makes me feel like i should go to him and tell him she still thinks about him and try to help them out insted of myself. Its wierd but owell. And we have been dating for about a week or so now but all we do is hug which is perfectly fine for me i just guess i wanted a smoochie as i was leaving tonight from her place :) Im not sure im just going to keep looking for the right time to make a move and keep taking this deal slow. thanks for the response.

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I have a problem with my boy, always talking about his ex. It's gotten to the point where I don't know what to do. We've been dating for such a long time now, I just get so angry that he can just talk about her so much. I need some help!

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Anyone that still talks about their ex constantly whether they're giving glowing reports or the "they did me wrong" reports, is not completely over that person yet. And you don't get over another person by quickly replacing them with another. So if she's still going on and on about him, it may not be wise to take the relationship to another level. Just be a friend and listen to her, and perhaps in time the less she talks about him, then you'll know she's on her way of getting over him.

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