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UGH! How do i know What he wants?? ?


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Ok... for 6 months now i have been talking to this guy and we have been intamite but no sex. he is constantly rude to me at work and sometimes when we hang out. I thought i was totally through with him when he did somethign really rude to me in public but then out of the blue he started talking to me and called me and apoligized but this was only after i ignored him at work... sooo anyway he tells me that he has a lot of problems with trust and blah blah blah i just want to know what to do...should i go back to liking him or should i try to stay away? i kind of feel like he just wants me there hanging and as soon as i think i let him go he talks to me or says somethign nice although i am afraid he will go back to being mean and sarcastic. another thing is we never really went on a date i just go over his house and sleep there late at night... i know what everyone is goign to say it's a bootie call" but i feel it's more then that...we connect on other levels....how do i get him to ask me on a date??

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It sounds to me like this dude is just a butthole. You can do better. Why stand for someone who is constantly being a smartass and putting you down? You deserve better than that!! If he doesn't care enough about you to try to impress you this early on in the relationship, then it's not even worth it. I mean, imagine what things would be like if you two dated for a year or two - he might be beating you black and blue by then. And you definitely don't want that. Honey, drop this LOSER. Go find you someone who will treat you good and respect you enough to take you on dates to get to know you. Dont settle for less than what you consider perfect.

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some guys are weird like that. they'll like a girl when they can't have her then as soon as the girl displays the feelings back of liking, its like they turn into asses. it's like once they have what they wanted they dont want it anymore, but as soon as it's gone, they want it back right away. it sounds like this guy has a little bit of growing up to do. I say you play hard to get for him. you can't let him have his cake and eat it too! ;)

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man sorry i dont know how to do that private messaging thing.


but umm..here is what I think...


so this guy probably thinks he is all cool that he can do this to girls, let alone you with whatever it is that he is pulling off.


I say that you still be really nice to him but when he wants to piece or whatever, I say that you dont give that to him.


but still be playful with him or whatnot, make him want ya! :)

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Please don't play games, just drop the twit, and let him go find the next unlucky contestant in his "game."


Lots of decent, honest dudes out there hunn. Give them a chance.



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Thanks everyone so far...i'm still not sure what to do... i don't want to give him any (so to speak) but when i see him.. i melt...i need to be strong! But it's oh so hard when i get text messages and stuff....i just wish i could play hard to get or just never talk to him...but we work together..ahhh!!!!

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Cut him off. The best predictor of future behaviour, they say, is past behaviour. If he was a jerk to you before, he will continue to be a jerk. If you manage to move on, eventually you will find someone else to 'melt' for - but if you don't go looking, you may miss him and you'll regret wasting your life on a man who doesn't treat you well.

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thanks i think i am going to just go about my life and not put effort into this...i mean when he want s a relationship with me he will tell me becasue he's blunt and he told me that he didnt want a girlfriend already...i just don't know what to do... i go to college so i am sure i will find someone else...thanks!!

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