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First relationship after LTR...having doubts

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*posted in wrong section I realized. Can't figure how to move or delete. Reposted in Dating section.*


First off I prey she doesn't use this forum haha


So to be honest and forthcoming I came out of a 5 year relationship 3 weeks before our wedding...she got cold feet, cheated on me, etc. Who wouldn't be a wreck? This happened early June this year.


I did a bunch of reading (on this forum actually) and was able to turn the negative into a positive practically over night. I am only 25 and it's not the end of the world and now I have the opportunity to meet tons of new people, have experiences, and live life....no honestly the pain went away just by changing my way of thinking on it. So there is the baggage.


So I start "living", went on a couple of dates, started some hobbies, etc....and I posted one day on Craigslist. Got a response and we met and hit it off VERY well. We start hanging out all the time, had tons of fun. Fast forward a couple of weeks and we start having sex. Honestly the best sexual partner I ever had. Specially compared to the ex.


One problem though....I can't orgasm. Tried again....can't. And that's been the story for over a week now and had multiple attempts. And I am a guy.... :o


Well the obvious answer is that emotionally I'm not capable of achieving an orgasm with another person yet. I can when I am with myself just fine.


So I feel that I should stop having sexual relations with her and try to go back to the way it was before. I feel this is the only right thing to do. I question though if I should even maintain a relationship with her as it might confuse her. I really don't know. This is one of those stereotypical "It's not you it's me" kind of deals. But I am not a user or immoral so i feel I should do the right thing....just not 100% sure what that is.


Some input would be greatly appreciated by women and men.


Let me know if you need more info!

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