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Ex's Friend?

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Alright, here's the situation. My girlfriend and I went out for a little bit over 2 years, we lived together and what not, then 3 months ago we broke up, we decided we were fighting too much and we should try being friends and if that goes well we can give it another try. We still lived together because I was moving out of state to go play football and go to school. Anyway, my ex has a friend, I'll call her Heather, they call each other best friends but really they barely ever hang out and talk maybe every two weeks or so, they are hella flaky towards each other.


Alright so Heather, is absolutely gorgeous, smart, funny, sweet, caring, and she's got her head on straight...basically the total package. She's been going out with this guy for like 3+ years, he's been living like 2 hours away for the last few years, and he doesn't treat her the way she deserves to be treated. He's always smoking weed when she goes to visit even though she hates it. He calls her just about every day but will only talk to her for like 5 minutes. He doesn't really do anything fun with her when she visits him he just wants to sit around and smokes. Pretty much he doesn't appreciate how special she truly is and how lucky he is to have her. They've broken up like two times in the last three months.


Anyway, I've always had a little crush on her ever since I first met her but I never really put any thought into something more because I was in a relationship and so was she. She's commented to my ex on several occasions that she wishes her boyfriend was as built as I am, how she likes my style, and also how she thinks that I am "hot." Anyway, before I left she came to my going away party and we were just talking for like 30-45 minutes and I was happier then I have been in a long time just sitting there talking with her. So I moved three weeks ago and since then I haven't been able to get her off my mind, every time I close my eyes I'm thinking of her. I was thinking about writing her a letter just explaining everything I'm feeling but I don't wanna ruin a friendship...any thoughts or comments? Thanks in advance for any input.

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