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I cant work him out!!

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Hello :D


I really need some advise.


i've been friends with this guy for nearly a year.

The thing is i really like him and im not sure how he feels :confused::confused:



*He texts me quite often


*We talk all the time on msn and he always says hello as soon as i sign in or if he does.


*We always laugh together, always making fun out of each other. he'll say things like ''u know im better than u'', ect. calls me things but in a joking way.


*When were around friends hes said things like 'shes always telling me how much she wants me, how she cant resist me and sending me dirty messages' (even though i havnt) then when i say to him stop lying he says 'u dont need to deny it, just admit it'.


*Hes always saying my name, especially at the end of every sentance when hes making fun.


*He always has eye contact when hes talking to me and at the same time smiling alot.


*He touches me by poking or proding my arm and pushing me messing about.


*We go out at the weekends as we both have the same friends but he's started asking me through the week, if i have anything planned and if i wanna do something, the first time he asked me he said we can go to his coz no-ones home but i said i'd rather go to the pub (coz i would of felt akward for the first time on my own with him in his house) now everytime he asks me if i wana do something he involves at least one other person, one of our friends which is a lad also.



Its not so much rejection im scared of but its loosing him as a friend if i did say something and he just liked me as a friend.



what do u think?? is that just him being friendly or would u say theres something more? i cant work him out :confused:



thanks for reading, sorry its soo long ... help pleaseee xxxxx

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Basically, it's been a year. He's probably figured out one way or the other whether he likes you or not. So just ask him!


I know that you say you don't want to ruin the friendship, but consider this:


What people usually mean when they don't want to ruin the friendship is that they rather stay pinning away for the person endlessly without them knowing than risk being pushed out of their lives. Cause then who would they pine for? (I've been there, we all have)


The truth is the friendship is already ruined because you're not hanging out with this guy for plationic reasons. You would always have these unrequited feelings towards him.


Just go for it, it's better than the alternative, now isn't it? Besides it sounds like a pretty decent bet if you ask me.

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