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Profile says 'Gay and Lesbian': Does this mean she is homosexual?

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Hey everyone...

I've known this girl for a while and been getting pretty close.

But, I just recently checked her MSN profile, and in her interests it has two things... Photography and 'Gay and Lesbian'. Gay and Lesbian? Does this mean she is homosexual?

I dunno whether to ask her or not...

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You'll never really know until you ask. You''ll just have to bring up the subject very subtly and lightly in a conversation. Maybe ask about past relationships or something related to that. If you feel uncomfortable about doing that, don't worry --- the truth will come out in its own time.

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You need not bring up the fact that you saw her profile at all. Just ask her out on a date if you truly want to be more than just friends. She will probably let you know right there and then if she's comfortable with that. Regardless though, you really don't have anything to lose. If you never ask you'll never know, and you'll never know unless you ask.

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