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PORN..what's really the deal?

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I think every single male looks at porn, strictly for visual-sexual satisfaction.


At this moment, I don't need to look at it when I am with my girlfriend because she rocks my world in that arena. She really does. :love:

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Jersey Shortie
You are curiously fixated on masturbation as the only significant form of sexual or emotional expression. According to you, love means "don't masturbate to the image or thought of anyone else". I'll leave it to others to figure out why that is...


No Mr. Lucky. Love means making a commitment to someone and honoring that commitment. Not looking for escape clauses that feed your own narsisstic shallow self-fulling passions the minute they aren't there to "service" you. It means using self control and showing your loyalty in spirit and physically. Why do people assume that loyatly is only as important as can be seen? If love is both a mental and physical thing, why shouldn't the commitment to that love include both mental and physical control? :) Aside from the other million of issues where porn is pretty degrading towards women in general.


One one hand, you say it's not a gender-based conspiracy. You then proceed to describe the things that, in your mind, all men do. Another mis-statement


There is a certain about of boys club mentality when it comes to men's porn. Is that what you mean by gender-based conspiracy? Maybe I am unclear about your meaning. Most men do look at porn. And most men do so without caring how it treats women or how it effects the women in his life. Men don't want their daughters in porn but they have no issue treating other men's daughters like nothing more then 3 holes and a pretty face. Is that the way women deserve to be treated?




What about men who masturbate to erotic stories? Are they cheating and disreptful the female population too?


What about men who masturbate to images in their brain that arent from photo's or the internet, but just imaging their wife having sex with some faceless not even seen person?


Is your problem with porn or masturbation?


I don't think masturbation is bad. I don't think seeing naked people having sex turning you on, is unnatural. I do think what porn is, how it treats women and what it repersents is both unnatural, misognistic and is an outlet men use to "cheat" without technically cheating. My issue is less with masturbation and porn and the amount today that men justify using porn. We live in a time in history where men are spending more time then ever with their porn and it's scarey. I don't think porn is something that helps men's attitudes towards women. I think it lessen's mens attitudes towards women. And I see so many women, my age, my mother age, and girls younger then me that struggle with body image issues and want THEIR man to notice them but what men notice are the over inflated ideals about what men WISHED women looked like that NO REAL woman looks like without surgery. It's a direct cut on a woman's true feminity and men don't give a crap about it! Porn makes men feel more "manly" and it can make women feel less "womanly". And the amount of men that defend porn over a real live breathing woman is completely heartbreaking.


I try very hard to like who I am even though the media..everyone from Maxim magazine to Cosmo tells me I shouldn't. I don't have a perfect body and I never will and I guess that means I am underserving of being any man's fantasy . But when your own men buy into the stereotypes, the exact false stereotypes that you fight everyday against, its hard to fight. It be nice if men were more partners then something else you had to fight against.


I think every single male looks at porn, strictly for visual-sexual satisfaction.


I don't think anyone wonders why men look at porn.

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What if a woman looks at porn ?.. or reads playgirl and looks at penis.. Is she a bad person and cutting the men in her life ?


Does it make her feel womanly ?.. You claim that it makes women feel less womanly.. then why would she watch it ?


I know women watch porn.. is she cheating on her guy ?


Jersey Shortie.. you seem to blame men for watching porn and think we all think less of women because of it..


What about the women that watch porn ?.. and you are talking about stereotypes.. your whole post is a stereotype

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No Mr. Lucky. Love means making a commitment to someone and honoring that commitment. Not looking for escape clauses that feed your own narsisstic shallow self-fulling passions the minute they aren't there to "service" you. It means using self control and showing your loyalty in spirit and physically. Why do people assume that loyatly is only as important as can be seen? If love is both a mental and physical thing, why shouldn't the commitment to that love include both mental and physical control? :) Aside from the other million of issues where porn is pretty degrading towards women in general.


The above comment sounds like it was delivered by a minister. It's a very religious concept to believe that only through denying ourselves and suffering are we truly moral and just.

What about the concept that true love would never dream of asking the one you love to deny themselves pleasure or happiness? If you truly love someone why would you want them to forsake things that please them? Do you not want your partner to be happy?

True love is NOT about controlling the desires or wishes of your partner...it is about wanting them to be as happy and content as possible.


A few "ifs" in that paragraph as well. Is it possible that you don't know what love is? Do any of us? Or...maybe it's different for different people?


And...is porn not also degrading to men? Why are your comments strictly about the degradation of women if men are "performing" as well?


Btw...the concept of love as being this life long monogamous proposition is a personal choice and social construct. Biology/chemistry/love and monogamy are completely different things




I try very hard to like who I am even though the media..everyone from Maxim magazine to Cosmo tells me I shouldn't. I don't have a perfect body and I never will and I guess that means I am underserving of being any man's fantasy . But when your own men buy into the stereotypes, the exact false stereotypes that you fight everyday against, its hard to fight. It be nice if men were more partners then something else you had to fight against.


You may try to like yourself...but I get the definite sense that you do not. And I doubt highly that it is solely the fault of porn.


And...just how many of those Cosmo, maxim etc...mags do you have in the house? And why in the world would you support those types of publications by purchasing them?

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I don't think masturbation is bad...


ok ....


but that doesnt answer the other questions. if masturbation is ok, but porn isnt (presumably as you described because it involves images of other (almost illegal surgically enhanced women), then I suppose you are ok with erotic stories and thoughts of your wife having sex?


Wife: oh it feels so good, so big and hard

Husband: tell me more how much you love it

Wife: oh, I love it, I have never had anything so big, he is so huge, can you see how huge he is?


So if the husband gets turned on by this "thought" in his imagination, there is no one else in the image but him and his wife, its ok right?


im trying out for a date with you, gotta make sure I know my boundries :-) j/k ... but am curious since you seem to equate porn to always include young, almost illegal, surgecially enhanced images of women other than the wife. do the above scenario challenge your beliefs at all or do you have similar thoughts about them as a source of masturbation material as you do porn?

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im trying out for a date with you, gotta make sure I know my boundries :-) j/k ...

Jersey doesn't date men, since she knows in advance she'll be disgusted by their roving eyes and morally repugnant thoughts about other women ;) ...


Mr. Lucky

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Jersey Shortie
What if a woman looks at porn ?.. or reads playgirl and looks at penis.. Is she a bad person and cutting the men in her life ?


How many women seriously read playgirl? How many women seriously read playgirl compared to men who read playboy? How much more often do you think both engage in such an activity?



Jersey Shortie.. you seem to blame men for watching porn and think we all think less of women because of it..


True, I do. I do blame men for watching porn because most of the peope that watch porn are men. I date men. I love men. I have romantic relationships with men. But it's never just you and the man. It's you, him and his porn. And yes, I do think men think of women as less for it. Alot of porn is pretty degrading to women. Alot of porn calls women four letter words. ALot of porn shows the man in the spot of power and her servicing him.


The above comment sounds like it was delivered by a minister. It's a very religious concept to believe that only through denying ourselves and suffering are we truly moral and just.


Is not looking at porn denying yourself alot out of life? My comments have nothing to do with religion. Why dont you take a shot at answering the question I posed? If people think love is both mental and physical, why do we only expect physical control? Doesn't it logically make sense to expect to work towards both. I'm not saying anyone is going to be perfect but I'd like to see men exert more self control.


What about the concept that true love would never dream of asking the one you love to deny themselves pleasure or happiness? If you truly love someone why would you want them to forsake things that please them? Do you not want your partner to be happy?


Of course I want my partner to be happy. What does this have to do with anything I said? Not having porn makes a person unhappy? Not having porn is such a big part of life that it is "forsaking" them? Come on. If you can only find happiness through porn, you have a problem. You also realize that argument could be used boy ways. Do you not want your partner to be happy? If men wanted their partners to be happy, why do they continue to use porn, for the women that it bothers.



True love is NOT about controlling the desires or wishes of your partner...it is about wanting them to be as happy and content as possible.


Again, that's something that works both ways. Whether you like porn or don't.



And...is porn not also degrading to men? Why are your comments strictly about the degradation of women if men are "performing" as well?


Actually yes, I think porn is degrading to men too. But more so to women. And degrading in different ways.


Btw...the concept of love as being this life long monogamous proposition is a personal choice and social construct. Biology/chemistry/love and monogamy are completely different things


Are you trying to argue that we aren't monogamous creatures? That's a faulty arguement if you are. Humans are designed for both monogamy and for wanting different partners. We have chemicals for both. The fact that we have a choice is what seperates us. We are neither designed to be one way over the other. We are in balance so that we are given choices in that regard. And I think if a man makes a choice to be with a woman, he needs to stand by that choice and not flake on it.


You may try to like yourself...but I get the definite sense that you do not. And I doubt highly that it is solely the fault of porn.


I think I am great! I like myself very much. I however am insecure and never claimed I wasn't and struggle with body issues. And no, it's not soley for porn and I never said it was. You ignored what I said though. It's hard to fight misconceptions of beauty when the men in your life even can't. If men wonder why there are so many insecure women out there, it's not made easy on us.


And...just how many of those Cosmo, maxim etc...mags do you have in the house? And why in the world would you support those types of publications by purchasing them?


Zero. I don't support either one. It's not like I never scene them before though.




Demea, I've answered more of your questoins then you have answered of mine. Infact, I always try to answer people's questoins when my very good ones go un answered. I get the impression that men don't know how to repond to them because they are jsut that damn good. :) And I will stick with that idea until someone proves me wrong.


I don't even know if I am fully understanding you. If a husband is having a fantasy about his wife, that's awesome! Nothing wrong with that.


im trying out for a date with you, gotta make sure I know my boundries :-) j/k ...


Smart man! :cool:


but am curious since you seem to equate porn to always include young, almost illegal, surgecially enhanced images of women other than the wife.


Errr...isn't that what PORN is?



Jersey doesn't date men, since she knows in advance she'll be disgusted by their roving eyes and morally repugnant thoughts about other women ;) ...


Mr. Lucky


I date men. And I love them Mr. Lucky. Doesn't mean I don't get sad when I am with a man I really like and his eye is roving to look at other women. I wish men could learn to respect and really appreciate what they have. That seems to be something men don't or can't do. It saddens me. Iguess men win and we don't really matter very much to them.

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I do think what porn is, how it treats women and what it repersents is both unnatural, misognistic and is an outlet men use to "cheat" without technically cheating.

I kind of agree with that only because viewing porn on the computer is much different than viewing porn on DVD. On the computer there's so much and sometimes curosity leads to other things - Interactive chats, webcam - THAT is crossing the line more than just watching regular porn. Live streams of whomever doing whatever.. It can open the door to other things, but with that being said, it also depends on the person, their personality (do they have an addictive personality so they get used to having porn in their lives and it leading to a bad habit) or is it just pure fantasy.


Obviously porn, especially on the net is becoming a problem, like gambling and casino's. If it's there, some will look and get addicted. Some will look and then walk away like it's no big deal.

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The above comment sounds like it was delivered by a minister. It's a very religious concept to believe that only through denying ourselves and suffering are we truly moral and just.

What about the concept that true love would never dream of asking the one you love to deny themselves pleasure or happiness? If you truly love someone why would you want them to forsake things that please them? Do you not want your partner to be happy?

True love is NOT about controlling the desires or wishes of your partner...it is about wanting them to be as happy and content as possible.



If a person is suffering just because they can't look at porn I think that is a problem. If you truly love someone why would you want them

desiring others and wishing that they could sleep with other people.


What about a women who can only be as happy and content as possible if she knows her man doesn't watch porn? Does her man show true love to her by not looking at porn?


If what pleases my man is other women then he can go be alone and masturbate to his precious porn women and stay far away from me because I really don't need to be the person that someone is just settling for.

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I think porn should be enjoyed by both, my boyfriend watches porn with me and always reassures me that it is the fact that I am turned on by it that turns him on not what is happening in the movie, with that said i feel confident enough in his words to believe him and we enjoy it together. I also dress up and pose for him and pretty much do what he loves... He likes the fact that we think alike in that aspect and come to an agreement, now my boyfriend is super hot i mean 6'2" 175lbs of manly muscle mmm and I am 5'4" and 165lbs of shortness lol... but he thinks I am the sexiest woman alive and that's all that matters to me... =) So I don't think it should be a problem unless your husband/boyfriend doesn't pay attention to you!

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Errr...isn't that what PORN is?






no porn is not JUST young, almost illegal and surgically enhanced women.


in fact, porn can be just text as well as thousands of different varients.


i take it your only issue is with porn that doesnt depict "real women". i look at porn involving "real women" so you and I should get along just fine.


so .. what you up to? :p

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I think porno has a different meaning once you're in love or married.


I remember when I was younger and single or just dating I didnt really care and it didnt really bother me, I had watched it before too when I was some what exploring things.. but back then I was just dating.. like i said


When you are single or you're just seeing someone casually you're kind ofj ust in it for the sex, or companionship so that sort of thing has less meaning to your life, but when feelings and emotion become involved and i'll say mostly for woman, your perspective on it changes because you dont want the one you love and want to marry or the father of you children thinking only about sex as sex, you want them to think about how they love you and want to make love to you...


I think that is the problem , with woman having issues with it.. its what makes sense to me anyways.

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Jersey Shortie
no porn is not JUST young, almost illegal and surgically enhanced women.


But that is what the majority of it is.




i take it your only issue is with porn that doesnt depict "real women". i look at porn involving "real women" so you and I should get along just fine.


so .. what you up to?


You haven't been reading my posts have you. That isn't my only issue with porn. :lmao:

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I see nothing wrong with porn as long as no one in the relationship is being neglected because of the porn, and if the porn is not of underage children. I find porn can be arousing . I use to watch porn with my husband when we was together. most of the people in the porn industry chose that line of work. It is almost like the way the hooters girls dress so scantily. they knew what came with the territory when they applied for the job.

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As you make your bed, so you shall lie in it. Sure we all want the big bucks and we want it fast, but some of us are not willing to sell our soul for it, for those that are, more power to them. Why should I feel sympathy for a porn star?. They are not victims even if they do get beat up. Some of us drudge away in our 9-5 which pays chump change/ If others choose the seemingly easy and quick way to make big bucks then whose fault is it but their own? If there are no willing participants, porno flicks will not be made and the whole issue will be moot.


I will still watch porn though, free porn on the internet and I won't hold a grudge against any man that does it in moderation. The way I see it, it's a guilt free pleasure.


Well maybe you should consider that some of those girls were raped and molested as children, by people that were supposed to care for and love them. They have been sex objects for as long as they've known, porn stripping and protitution is sometimes all they think they think they can do. Do you think they can easily conform to "normal society" when their life has taught them they are a piece of meat? But you can go on a pretend that life is fair for all, we all have an equal shot, those girls get what they deserve....sickening.


Oh and users create the industry, not the industry creating the user. You seriously think that if there were no willing participants that porn would no longer exist? Like there are no willing participants in child porn yet that is a mulit-billion dollar industry? Your logic is flawed and you seem extremely heartless, IMO.

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Jersey Shortie

child porn is a multi million dollar industry??

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Well maybe you should consider that some of those girls were raped and molested as children, by people that were supposed to care for and love them. They have been sex objects for as long as they've known, porn stripping and protitution is sometimes all they think they think they can do. Do you think they can easily conform to "normal society" when their life has taught them they are a piece of meat? But you can go on a pretend that life is fair for all, we all have an equal shot, those girls get what they deserve....sickening.


There are women that were raped and abused working for WalMart and other multi national corporations....who are also being "used". And with the, literally, millions of performers around the world I would find it hard to believe that a majority of them...or even a stastically significant portion were sexually abused. I think that's one of the things people tell themselves to justify their hatred for porn. As if the only way a person could have sex on camera is if they were abused prior...


Likewise there are boys that grew up with no father, who were abused, working digging ditches or sucking out septic tanks because no one ever told them they could be/do more...and trust me, they are treated like pieces of meat too...just not sexually. Does anybody cry for them? Do you still get your septic tank emptied? Still shop at WalMart?

Anywhere cheap labor creates a cheap product for you, someone is being used...and possibly abused... Let's not be hypocrites here.


My point is...lots of people get treated like s..t...not all of them become strippers or porn performers. Life is anything but fair...but everybody has choices to make.


And if our criteria for supporting a product/service is determined by the abuses wrought to produce it (as it should be) then let's be even handed about it and stop buying products created in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, MEXICO...and shopping at stores that sell them.


Prepared to do that?

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Oh and users create the industry, not the industry creating the user. You seriously think that if there were no willing participants that porn would no longer exist?


Porn is sex...and there are plenty of willing participants. Porn is simply a more public version.


Oh...and if you think users create the "industry"...then you should ask yourself why advertising firms spend billions every year marketing stuff that we buy...and don't need...and what the effects are of having sexually charged images beamed at us through our tvs, magazines, etc...24/7. I'd guess that 50+ percent of commercials have some type of sexualization involved. Do you let your kids watch tv unsupervised?

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Porno honestly is becoming a bigger problem, more and more.. its just like people who watch tv too much they become desensitized to real life.. its an addiction liek anything else, I'm not saying that when you're single the use of it at times is wrong or anything.. Im not totally against it.

But if you are using it every day or you watch it just to WATCH it to be a voyeur and its getting more brutal the more you watch it.. then you start to have a problem your mind obsesses with it and then real sex becomes less gratifiying even though I think that we ALL know that if you're having sex with a real live woman/man its alot more enjoyable then watching some loose porn star or porn star wannabe getting ****ed by an unnatractive man.. Its a mind over matter thing , an obsession.


I dont recall men having these kinds of issues before internet porn was available, i think porn used to be a minor issue in peoples lives.. now just like facebook/myspace/porn or whatever else... its affecting relationships because people are being given easy access to flirt/lurk/perve over pictures and videos via the Internet!


I try to stay on the net at a minimum.. and only wehn im at work.

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There are women that were raped and abused working for WalMart and other multi national corporations....who are also being "used". And with the, literally, millions of performers around the world I would find it hard to believe that a majority of them...or even a stastically significant portion were sexually abused. I think that's one of the things people tell themselves to justify their hatred for porn. As if the only way a person could have sex on camera is if they were abused prior...


Likewise there are boys that grew up with no father, who were abused, working digging ditches or sucking out septic tanks because no one ever told them they could be/do more...and trust me, they are treated like pieces of meat too...just not sexually. Does anybody cry for them? Do you still get your septic tank emptied? Still shop at WalMart?

Anywhere cheap labor creates a cheap product for you, someone is being used...and possibly abused... Let's not be hypocrites here.


My point is...lots of people get treated like s..t...not all of them become strippers or porn performers. Life is anything but fair...but everybody has choices to make.


And if our criteria for supporting a product/service is determined by the abuses wrought to produce it (as it should be) then let's be even handed about it and stop buying products created in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, MEXICO...and shopping at stores that sell them.


Prepared to do that?


Hypocrite? I feel equally sorry for boys that are abused as children. I think it is all horrible when any person is forced to do something they don't agree to/ feel comfortable with etc. No I do NOT shop at walmart, nor do I shop at any Giant store for that exact reason you mention. I like to think I do my part for humanity and I'm trying to be a person that is compassionate about others and I try my hardest not to support any corporation who use people to increase the profit margine.


I don't understand why you are directing anger at me? Should I not care about women who are abused in the porn industry because worse stuff happens around the world? If she would have been talking about children exploited in factories around the world I would have expressed my feelings and sympathy toward them!


And for your information porn is not just sex, a lot of it involves the humilation and abuse of real women who may not be as strong as you to stay out or get out. And I don't know the statistics exactly (when I said that about child porn I remember reading that once on a billboard at my university) but I do know that **** happens a lot and it is horrible, so should I feel sorry for children until they reach 18 and then too bad so sad? And can you honestly believe that the majority of women in porn came from "normal" loving, non abusive families? I'm sure there are some, but come one, most regular, well asjusted women don't want to be fisted in ever orifice of their body. But that's just my opinion.


And you are right, we all do have choices to make, but I choose to try and help people, and feel empathy for those not as fortunate as me, instead of blaming them for the crap they have gone through and the way they have ended up.

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Porn is sex...and there are plenty of willing participants. Porn is simply a more public version.


Oh...and if you think users create the "industry"...then you should ask yourself why advertising firms spend billions every year marketing stuff that we buy...and don't need...and what the effects are of having sexually charged images beamed at us through our tvs, magazines, etc...24/7. I'd guess that 50+ percent of commercials have some type of sexualization involved. Do you let your kids watch tv unsupervised?


Ok if the industry creates the user than pornography is worse than I originally thought! Now it is making people spend hours a day looking at it? What ever happened to people having a choice?


Oh and I dont' have children yet, but I have ideas about how they will be raised and no, computer and tv will be in a main room where they can be monitored.

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Jersey Shortie
There are women that were raped and abused working for WalMart and other multi national corporations....who are also being "used".


I'm sorry but when was the last time Walmart made explotive videos of these women to sell to men with mother, wives, girlfriends and daughters? Could you imagine the world that women exploited boys young enough to their sons like young women get exploited in porn? I'm not saying these women don't have a choice. But men have a choice as well. And I think that as men with women in your lives, that hopefully you care about, you'd hope men wouldn't want to exploit women either.



And with the, literally, millions of performers around the world I would find it hard to believe that a majority of them...or even a stastically significant portion were sexually abused.


They might not all have been sexually abused. They could have been abused in other ways, they could be lonely, they could have other disfunctions. I do know, that no little girl grows up wishing and hoping beyond hope that men will use her as no more then three holes. I also know that most women, with a healthy respect for themselves want to be in a situation where they are nothing more then three holes. This is inherently why men don't really want to date pornstars and why most women would probably shoot themselves if they had to live the life of a porn star. Did you know the average career of most "pornstars" is 6 months to a year. And within that time span she is expected to engage in more sexually explicit and degrading acts. These women are capable of making their own choices. Although some that get into porn are very young at 18 and don't have the the same life choice skills of someone who is 25+. And men with daughters, wives and girlfriends happily enjoy the explotiment. There is something so wrong there.


I don't think all of them were sexually abused either but I do think the majority of them have had a tough life, had to make some tough choices to put themselves in that industry. Because I don't believe any woman really honestly wants to be nothing more then a pornstar to men.




I think that's one of the things people tell themselves to justify their hatred for porn. As if the only way a person could have sex on camera is if they were abused prior...


Most women, not all, but certainly most women, don't want to have sex for a million different men on camera with a million different men. Contrary to what porn would have you believe.


Likewise there are boys that grew up with no father, who were abused, working digging ditches or sucking out septic tanks because no one ever told them they could be/do more...and trust me, they are treated like pieces of meat too...just not sexually.


I find your opinion of men who clean out septic tanks degrading. That is an honest day's work. Nothing glamerous but he is not exploting other people and he is not being exploited. My father was a farmer for years and did many dirty jobs. To compare his hard working life style to people that do porn is ridiculous.



Life is anything but fair...but everybody has choices to make.


This is true. Everybody has a choice to make. How can men with wives that love them, girlfriends, daughters and other women in their life choose to pay and support an industry that treats women like nothing more then sex toys if men really respect and love women?


And if our criteria for supporting a product/service is determined by the abuses wrought to produce it (as it should be) then let's be even handed about it and stop buying products created in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, MEXICO...and shopping at stores that sell them.


Prepared to do that?




Porn is sex...and there are plenty of willing participants. Porn is simply a more public version.


Errr, porn isn't sex. And if you think what porn is about is what sex is about I have to think you dont know much about women or sexuality. Porn is an over exploited idea of what someone wnats sex to be. Porn isn't real. Porn isn't what real sex is about.


Oh...and if you think users create the "industry"...then you should ask yourself why advertising firms spend billions every year marketing stuff that we buy...


It's a cycle. Users create the industry and the industry creates the users.


I'd guess that 50+ percent of commercials have some type of sexualization involved. Do you let your kids watch tv unsupervised?


When I have kids I would talk to them about what they see on tv. The good and the bad of sexuality. How many fathers talk to their sons or daughters about what goes on in porn? About how real or fake it is about how it relates to men and women and relationships? The facials of 5 guys finishing on a girls face? Or two guys going at it with one girl? Or 5 guys going at it with one girl? How many fathers or mothers talk to their kids about t hese images that their kids are probably seeing on the internet? How man fathers are even ecouraging their own sons to look at these images. Thus breeding another generation where their daughters will ahve men who grew up looking at the this junk.

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I don't understand why you are directing anger at me?


And I don't understand why you're perceiving anger.


I'm having a discussion and asking questions. Heck, I didn't even use an exclamation point. Frankly...I think you're the one that sounds a little



I'm going to address both you and Jersey here, lest you think some of these points are directed at you.


Believe it or not...some women like to be fisted...just not on camera...and lots of people enjoy sexual activities that I suspect Jersey and you might find deviant. Some guys like to watch women pee...and some women like them to watch. Definitely not my thing...but there you go.


You guys talk about this like there wasn't "deviant" sexual behaviour before porn. You should do some reading about the Romans and the debauchery they got up to. Ever seen Caligula? I'm pretty sure there was no internet when that stuff was going on. There have been prostitutes for almost as long as we've been walking upright. There's a reason they call it "the worlds oldest profession".


And I wasn't talking about the guy that owns the septic company...I'm talking about the poor shmuck making minimum wage...used as a piece of meat by his boss to clean those tanks believing he has no other future.


AND...for the record...the girls and guys working in porn are making "honest" money. It's no crime to have sex on camera for money. AND...for the record...women are paid far more highly than men in the porn industry.


Having said that...there are a lot of small, fly by night companies cranking out porn for an easy buck...and many of them are far less than reputable. But the bigger, more mainstream companies have mandatory std testing, good pay, benefit packages, health care...and the women are treated like movie stars.


AND...there is loooooots of amature porn where the performers look just like you...and me...and your neighbors...contrary to your belief that it is only these young, skinny, breast augmented women.


AND...kudos to you if you are actually avoiding dealing with big businesses like WalMart, etc...you should be commended.


By the way...BDSM is a multi million dollar a year industry...and it involves, whips, beatings, being tied up, caged, etc...would you suggest that all these people were abused as children? The men and the women?

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When I have kids I would talk to them about what they see on tv. The good and the bad of sexuality. How many fathers talk to their sons or daughters about what goes on in porn? About how real or fake it is about how it relates to men and women and relationships? The facials of 5 guys finishing on a girls face? Or two guys going at it with one girl? Or 5 guys going at it with one girl? How many fathers or mothers talk to their kids about t hese images that their kids are probably seeing on the internet? How man fathers are even ecouraging their own sons to look at these images. Thus breeding another generation where their daughters will ahve men who grew up looking at the this junk.

Hard to argue Jersey with anything you've said here. Within the context of how I've come to understand that you see porn, it all makes perfect sense. But I always come back to this thought - why, out of all the "lifestyle" choices that can sidetrack a relationship, do you have such a laserlike focus on porn :confused: ???


Do you think that porn breaks up more relationships that alcohol and its abuse? Or drugs, both prescription and recreational, and their use? Do you see porn as the biggest threat to successful relationships today?


Mr. Lucky

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Believe it or not...some women like to be fisted...just not on camera...and lots of people enjoy sexual activities that I suspect Jersey and you might find deviant. Some guys like to watch women pee...and some women like them to watch. Definitely not my thing...but there you go.



Ok not angry, I understand. I know people have "deviant" sexual behavior. I have no issue with consenting adults doing whatever they want to get themselves off, I have a problem with people being exploited for the purposes of sex, that is it.



You guys talk about this like there wasn't "deviant" sexual behaviour before porn. You should do some reading about the Romans and the debauchery they got up to. Ever seen Caligula? I'm pretty sure there was no internet when that stuff was going on. There have been prostitutes for almost as long as we've been walking upright. There's a reason they call it "the worlds oldest profession".


I'm sorry so since people have been exploited for thousands of years we are just supposed to accept it? I do not, I don't care to help history repeat itself.


By the way...BDSM is a multi million dollar a year industry...and it involves, whips, beatings, being tied up, caged, etc...would you suggest that all these people were abused as children? The men and the women?


Maybe. There is a lot of sexual abuse in the world, boys and girls. Children (and adults for that fact) are sold all over the world as sexual objects (even in the USA and Canada), or are abused at home by mom, dad, uncle, brother, friend, neighbour.


Or maybe they are the sexual offenders. Or maybe they just like being beaten and humiliated or like beating and humiliating (normal?).


I don't think the defense that "everyone is doing it" works for me. The fact that porn and BDSM industries make so much money a year is really saddening to me. I feel sad to bring children up in a world that is so full of filth. But that is just my opinion, oh and before anyone thinks so I am not a religious person on a rant, I am not a prude, I just don't agree with certain things, that is just me.


And about the septic tank guys, don't they pump the wastewater with a pump into a truck? I really just thought that was how it was done...?

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