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He says he just sees me as a friend but....

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So, i wrote a while back about how my guy friend was acting more like a bf for a while.

Then i wrote how we ended up getting drunk and making out....


Well after that he didnt contact me for two weeks, in which I got back with my boyfriend.

Afterwards he contacted me again and I let him know i was back with my bf. He was acting like a friend again but then asked why I got back with him and what would it take for me to break it off again.


After that i didnt talk to him much anymore. I also told my bf about what happened and though he didnt ask me to not talk to him, i still feel a bit...awkward doing so.


Then he texted me two days ago. He wanted to know why i hadnt call him. i said i would call him after work. Somehow that didnt work out, he called but i couldnt answer then. He texted me yesterday saying thanks for not calling him back to which i said i had been busy and didnt hear the phone. He then "jokingly" answered with "you just were talking to that guy, which im not cool with, you should be talking to me!!!"

I "jokingly" answered with "well sorry friend but u just cant compete with xxx"

He then went onto how he beg to differ according to what i had said that night...i then asked him to forget that night, that it had been totally inappropiate. He then said "aww thats sad, but Im just saying, i can compete with him"

Anyway, we texted some more and i said id call him later.


So finally i called him at night, we talked some, and then somehow he mentioned how I had praised him so highly and how surprised he was that I had said he was the best in what he was doing. I think i hurt his ego cuz then i said "ahh yeah...hmm maybe i was being nice about it you know" (I swear I didnt mean it the way it came out!!!)


So then he said he had been nice as well...and then asked me if i thought he had a crush on me. I lied saying no, and he said "well good, cuz i dont...I just see you as a friend". he then mentioned how this other girl thought i have a crush on him...(definitely not!). I assured him i dont.


So, my question is...is it possible to make out with someone you've been friends with for a long time, and not have a crush on them? I mean...i think i dont like him....but apparently other people seem to think i do. On the same token, he says he doesnt like me...but honestly, ive always had a feeling he does....

Is it possible neither of us like each other, yet we are sending the wrong vibes??

Also, is it inappropiate to continue my friendship with him? Somehow i feel it is...but then we've been such good friends for so long....it makes me sad to lose that.

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as long as it didnt mean anything to you then you should be able to get by it. but if there is that little chance that it was an amazing hook up. and thats why your still thinking about it, then maybe you do have a fondness for him. if you really dont have feelings for him, act like it didnt happen, then be your self. if something is ment to come by it, it will come in time. as long as your not making addvances towards him and hes not making advances toward you (without you stopping it), i dont see how it would be an inapproriate friendship.

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as long as it didnt mean anything to you then you should be able to get by it. but if there is that little chance that it was an amazing hook up. and thats why your still thinking about it, then maybe you do have a fondness for him. if you really dont have feelings for him, act like it didnt happen, then be your self. if something is ment to come by it, it will come in time. as long as your not making addvances towards him and hes not making advances toward you (without you stopping it), i dont see how it would be an inapproriate friendship.


Well the reason why im thinking about it is because first, i told my bf about it. He was a bit upset but told me that so long as i wasnt leading either one on, he didnt mind me talking to him. Still, I feel bad because it was so recent and I guess ive always known he liked me at some level but he always said that he seemed to always give the wrong impression to his girl friends, so i figured that was the case... (actually im still not sure if that is the case). Its like...I dont want to lead my friend on...but continuing with the friendship might give him the wrong idea....or something. Dont know. Its actually getting too complicated...

Also, my friend keeps bringing it up. I already told him to forget it ever happened, that it had been a line that should have never been crossed, but he still brings it up once in a while.

Even when he doesnt bring it up...yesterday I saw him for the first time since then, and just the way he looks and talks to me has changed. I miss my pesky annoying friend.... :(

Maybe if i just pretend it never happened, turn a blind eye at his nervousness....maybe it will go away

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i think that sounds like a good plan!


i had a friend once who i really liked, about a year and a half later, he asked me out. my feelings had come and gone but he relized (a hole lot later) that he had feelings for me... this could have been why he lead me on for a few months way back, when i had feelings for him. when he did ask me out i had the biggest smile on my face not because i liked him but because i was kinda supprized the next day convos were a little weird, but the next day things improved and i felt like i should try and ignore his feelings, i did and i tryed to start convo's and be myself. he evetually moved on though we are still friends. i happy he moved on, and we got to keep the friend ship it seems like 3 or 4 years of being friends shouldnt have been thrown away.

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