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Sex before marriage

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How does one deal with a woman they are in love with who refuse to have sex until marriage? I consider sex important but if the woman absolutely refuses, how should you approach it? It would be a shame if you went along with it, married, and suddenly find out you aren't sexually compatible. How can you bring this up?

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In my experience, women who want to abstain from sex before marriage usually stick to their guns so to speak. Meaning, they have deep religious beliefs which they want to live by for the rest of their lives. There's nothing wrong with that, but if it's not something that you can live by then you'll need to find someone else.

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What you should do is like respect her a little more..maybe she has religious beliefs where she does not want to have sex before marriage. I used to have beliefs like that but fell out of the spirtual thing. Maybe you should back off a little bit more and try to talk to her about it too see if she is doing it for religious beliefs or something.

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How do you bring it up? By communicating and if she's not ready to give herself to you, there's not much you can do but marry her or end the relationship. Sex is just sex to a guy, but marriage and sex and commitment are a big step that maybe you aren't ready for.


And just how are two people incompatible in bed? Ya all got the same working parts, you just have to teach each other how to use them, so how is that a problem?


If you don't want to wait for a girl like that, and would rather a girl that's been used goods so to speak, I'm sure there are plenty to go around.


You must not hold her virginity too near and dear to your heart if you're not willing to wait for marriage with her. The old saying, "why buy the cow when the milk is free?" still holds true today.


It's a tough situation that in this day and age is almost unheard of, but look at it this way...you won't have to worry about STD's or pregnancy...you will love this person without needing the most intimate part of her right now, and that my friend, is a rarity indeed.

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I think the no sex before marriage thing means she is just not that into you, especially if she isn't that much of a religious person, she may just be using what she claims as her belief as an excuse. Also, I wouldn't worry so much about STD's and pregnancy if you are taking the proper precautions and using the proper protection. Life is short why rob yourself of pleasure? People that tell you not to have sex either a) are not getting any and therefore misery loves company or b) are getting some and want to be the only one that is happy. Think about it.

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I don't see how you can say that you truly love a woman if you can't appreciate and accept her views. Some

people want to abstain from sex before marriage because of religious views and others because they think it

is makes it more special to wait until they marry. These are not only respectable, but admirab;e reasons.

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Well, I think sex is a very important part of marriage. I didn't wait until I was married. Not many people do in this day and age. But back in the day - a lot of people waited until they were married and somehow they got through it!


If you love her, you should respect her wishes. And just think of how fun and exciting it will be when you get married!! You will spend the first year of your marriage in the sack!!!

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