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An answer to the problem of the battle of the sexes

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Is it possible that there is no battle of the sexes that really exists? Is it possible that men aren't from mars and women aren't from venus and that they are in fact from the same place? Is a woman just a man with out a penis plus a vagina? It seems to me that men and women are really not so different at all. That men and woman are actually the same. The difference being one has to penetrate and the other has to be penetrated and that determines the preferences. Is it possible that this ooey-gooey sentimental romance stuff is just an attempt to use pretty paper to cover the fact that life is a harsh thing and to create yet another set of rituals to pass time in the play we call life? We are not so different after all are we? Perhaps that is what most people fear or don't want to see the most.

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i agree that men and women are largely the same.


however, there're differences, imposed by biology and culture, that can't really be ignored. but i mean, two men can be way more different than a man and a woman...


i don't think there's a battle going on... where did you get that idea from?!



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"The Battle of the Sexes" is a phrase standing for a commonly understood thing, that there is a tension between the sexes. However that there is no battle between the sexes was my point and anyway it wasn't my most important one, the "similarity factor" was my major point when posting this.


Oh I forgot to put in my main point to all of this: knowing that a woman is just a man with a vagina instead of a penis will definitely help you succeed in the relationship game no matter who you are.

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Although possibly not a good mental image for the heterosexual man (sexually; if you know what I'm saying :D )

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knowing that a woman is just a man with a vagina instead of a penis will definitely help you succeed in the relationship game no matter who you are.


I totally disagree with this. I think men and women are "wired" differently, and I think understanding this will help you succeed in a relationship. I think if you relate to the opposite sex as if they are exactly the same as you are with the exception of their sexual organs, you are bound to have more problems than if you understand they are different.


How can a woman be a man with a vagina? Biologically we are not the same. Men have more testosterone, women have more estrogen...I think that constitutes a difference.

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knowing that a woman is just a man with a vagina instead of a penis


Um, excuse me, but isn't it "a man is just a woman with a penis and not a vagina" ?



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Well, biologically, we are very different after differentiation in the uterus (occurs at about 2 weeks gestation I think).


Up until that time, we are all of indeterminate sex (neither m or f). Presence or absence of a certain stream of chemical signals determines whether the embryo will develop as a female or male. Boys undergo a more complex differentiation in utero, as determined by the presence of this chemical signal stream.


But enough of that biology jabber...fact is we are ALL physically and emotionally quite unique, whether m or f.


My feeling is that the real battle that exists between the sexes is merely a battle for honest, clear communication with each other.


As I see it, we all (men and women) spend too much time trying to "get" (understand) members of the opposite sex through what they do (actions wise), and imply indirectly through body language, non-verbal communication, innuendo, etc.


I feel that the time we spend with each other is 90% wasted trying to fight the battle of "figuring out each other", when in reality, the war of understanding between both is being lost due to an inability to communicate what we honestly feel, desire, need and think in general.


Solve the communication gap, and the battle will be largely won.


Just my $0.02.



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Solve the communication gap, and the battle will be largely won.


Easy for you to say! ;)


But seriously, it's a theme which fascinates me - and brings me back to good ol' St. Paul: "that which I would not, I do, and that which I would, I do not". Often we know what we need to do but we still don't do it - even when we want to.

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"Men have more testosterone, women have more estrogen...I think that constitutes a difference."


The key words are "a difference" not many differences, anyway biological chemicals are the same for everybody, our unique personalities however are the things that make us different.


"Um, excuse me, but isn't it "a man is just a woman with a penis and not a vagina" ?"


Yes, I suppose that would be the truth too.


"My feeling is that the real battle that exists between the sexes is merely a battle for honest, clear communication with each other."


Possibly but what I am saying is that a relationship between a man and a woman is for the most part the same as a relationship between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. My point is that sexuality is a completely other thing than friendship, they are seperate entities.


When you are a friend and a lover to somebody, those are really two completely different and distinct roles that you are playing. In other words, there is no mixing, there is no lover in friendship and no friendship in lover. For example, you don't become a better friend to someone by being a better lover to them and vice versa. That is why you can have the people we call by the colloquial phrase "players".


"As I see it, we all (men and women) spend too much time trying to "get" (understand) members of the opposite sex..."


I really think that women play the "I am trying to figure you out" game alot more than men, but I am not necessarily covinced that there is a biological basis for that particular game.

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Well, to me, separating the two would seem to be like trying to separate sugar out of a cup of coffee once it has been mixed.



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i agree that they are a lot the same. i think a lot of how people act tho that differenciates the two are from the media.

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In response to Curt, most people do think like that and what I am saying is that that is the source of the problem.


In response to starlight43, yes, I do agree that the media does play on stereotypes to get a response but you do have an option to turn off the television and see things how you want to see them.

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