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when me and my special someone weren't dating I went on a date with another guy. I promised tom I wouldn't kiss this guy but did. tom and i are back togethere but he won't let it go. help me help him.

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What's this with everybody having to confess everything. Being honest is one thing but using good judgement is another. First, telling Tom you kissed another guy served absolutely NO purpose whatsoever except to screw things up for you. There is NOTHING you can do now. It is fully his problem. If he can't get over it, forgive you, and never bring it up again, he is one dude I would run away from as fast as I could because your life with him could be hell.


Tell him his attitude in this situation could encourage you to lie in the future. If he wants you to be totally honest, he has to reward that honesty with non-judgement, maturity, forgiveness and the will to forget.


I am curious as to why you would promise somebody you stopped dating that you wouldn't kiss others. I am not an attorney but I feel strongly that you were not bound by any contract and that such a promise to him is constitutionally unenforceable. In other words, commonly accepted wisdom and good sense would indicate Tom is a controlling butthead if he expected you not to kiss others after you stopped dating him.

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when me and my special someone weren't dating I went on a date with another guy. I promised tom I wouldn't kiss this guy but did. tom and i are back togethere but he won't let it go. help me help him.




Aside from appologizing for making a promise you couldn't keep, there is nothing you can do to help him. Is he mad that you kissed this guy, or is he mad or hurt that you broke your promise? Promises are easy to make, it's living up to them that can be difficult.

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