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what is going on

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this is the second time i have got into a relationship with this girl who is a long time friend and for the second time she has left and got with someone else but this time is different she has not broken up with me and i still got personal belongings at her house i love her very much and that will never change i just cannot get her to commit to me i don't know why i have treated her with nothing but love and honesty and done everything for her and asked for nothing in return the beginning months where great and it seemed as if the relationship was going to last and then she started online dating when i wasn't around and now has found a guy that seems to have sweep her off her feet and has told me this is what she wants for now and i am hurting really bad because i have lost my best friend and the person i love the most i told her i would give her space i'm just scared she will not come back but only as a friend i'm very confused do i have a chance or is it over what do i do now ? AND how long could they last they are moving very fast in there new relationship they spend 5 to 7 nights a week in each other beds is this just a passing fling or what ?

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Sorry to say this, but it seems like she only ever wanted you as a back up, until she found a guy she wanted as a serious boyfriend (which is why she wouldnt commit to you)...as this has happened twice already its pretty obvious that this is what is going on. See how quick she committed to the new boyfriend? Because she knows what she does and doesnt want. She's a decisive girl, obviously, and she knew you were never boyfriend material for her, just a cool guy to hang out with until a real boyf came along.


You need to go no contact and cut her out of your life, at least until your feelings completely disappear (and if thats an impossibility, cut her off for good).

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I get the impression she is one of these girls who is frightened of being alone and just used you as a stockgap whilst she found somebody else.


You deserve much more and you shouldn't allow yourself to be treated like dirt. Belongings are often not worth the hassle retrieving. I think you should move on and try and forget about her.

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