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Does she still like me?

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I got together with a friend a while ago now, we were together for about 3 months, and then after 1 arguement (the first real one) she finished it. We went through a stage of not talking to each other, but we are now good friends again, and have been out for nights out together, and it has been quite good. Since we've been friends again, she's told me alot of things about her past which explain why she split up with me, and told me she didn't trust me while we were together because of past relationships, and she doesn't think she could ever trust anyone except herself.

After finding this stuff out, I've started to have feelings for her again, and regret the way I handled things the first time. How can I find out if she likes me again/still, and what should I do about things?

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After finding this stuff out, I've started to have feelings for her again, and regret the way I handled things the first time. How can I find out if she likes me again/still, and what should I do about things?


Well first off, how long have you been good friends since the whole conflicted happened? if its been less then 3-4 months, give it time, she is probably she trying to patch things up to what her definition of perfect is to her when it comes to the friendship.


Second, you can just tell if a girl still has feelings after you've dated her and time has gone by, cause she will give hints, one that are not too noticeable.


She will make time for you in her busy schedule, she will laugh at your jokes, touch you, basically normal flirty stuff is implied for knowing if she wants you or not still.


Also any girl that still has feelings for someone that they use to date, they will hold on to the things they got from that person and most likely will still remember important dates (i.e. - birthdays).

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Dude trust is the forefront of healthy relationships. If she even admits that she can't trust anyone but herself, you need to move on.

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