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Dealing with headgames


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I'm having a hard time dealing with some person playing head games with me


I have a crush who I've ignored for a while now. Now that person is starting to talk about their relationship a lot more now when I'm around.


I'm still ignoring my crush, but it hurts


How do you deal with this?

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Ask them to stop talking about their boy/girlfriend, or stop communicating with them.

I am not sure that I'd call talking about one's partner "head games", though -- whether or not they are aware of your crush on them, it would seem quite normal to refer to one's girl/boyfriend during conversation, no?

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Seems to me they a) have no clue you "like" 'em in that manner or b)knows but doesn't feel the same way and just trying to give you a hint, hence the constant talking of the significant other.


Also you didn't give a lot of information as to how well you know this person if one or the other has a lot or less dating experience, if your in hs or college, you know normal details on to further explain the situation, because the more you give, the better someone can answer and give you better advice on the situation your in currently.

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