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Letting go of a friend


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I have a friend that started going out with this guy that I really don't like. He has changed her so much too. I don't like who she is anymore. All she talks about is him and her sex life with him. I don't care to hear it at all. I'm glad they are happy together but I don't want to be her friend anymore. I'm finding it difficult to just quit being friends with her. She knows I don't like him at all. I want to tell her that she has changed but I don't know how. I know that if I tell her that I don't like who she is anymore she is just going to go and talk behind my back and be a bitch about it. I don't know what to do. I try to ignore her as much as I can but she doesn't get it. I still care about her a lot but I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of hearing his name constantly and nothing else. I miss who she was. If you have any advice then please help me out...Thanks

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First of all, if you don't want to hear about her sex life, tell her! Say, "Stop! I'm not listening to that stuff!" and then change the subject. Sometimes friends share a little too much info in that department and I for one, don't like hearing about what my friends are doing between the sheets. Plus, it's not uncommon for friends to be leary of others boyfriends. It's best to keep your friendship separate from who she is seeing, but I guess you have to try to tell her that. :o


If she truly has changed and you no longer feel the bond you once had with her, the most you can do without coming right out and telling her, especially if she's going to react the way you think (I mean, who needs friends that backstab? That's a friend? :( ) is to start distancing yourself from her, meaning not returning her calls or hanging out with her anymore; being busy when she wants you to do something.


Sometimes friends that we had so much in common with at one time, move their life in a different direction that you won't always agree with and many times friends are only our friends for a certain time before people change and move on. It might be best to make new friends so you're not so dependent on just one. I know, easily said than done. :o

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I just wanted to say thankyou. That actually did help. I think I just need to move on...it's just hard cuz she has been their forever. I just don't like who she is...Thanks a lot. That did help me out.

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It's hard losing friends, but unfortunately, that's a part of life. People change and even if you think someone is your best friend ever, they can change too. I think you should talk to your friend and tell her exactly how you feel. If she is any kind of friend, she will understand and quit talking about him so much. Just tell her that you feel like he is changing her and you miss the good times you used to have together. Put it to her gently and don't be bitchy about it, and maybe she won't get mad.


Good Luck!

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